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September Members Helping Members Volume 30—Issue 6
Free Security Utilities from MalwareBytes
By Ira Wilsker rectly from Malware- popular free-standing
Join us Regular readers of this Bytes at
September 21, several previous col- products/other_tools>. prime targets of the
The free utilities availa-
umns I had reviewed
malware authors, who
2013 and recommended the ble from MalwareBytes ingeniously come up
free and paid “Pro” ver- are Chameleon, Mal- with ways to prevent
Grayslake Public sions of the Malware- warebytes Anti-Rootkit MalwareBytes from in-
Library from Bytes security software. BETA, StartupLite, File- stalling, loading, and
12:00 to 3:00pm The publisher of Mal- ASSASSIN, and Re- executing, meaning that
for a discussion wareBytes also has five gASSASSIN. if MalwareBytes cannot
Much of the worst mal-
free utilities available to
on: perform other types of ware in circulation is
security scans, as well purposely designed to
Social as utilities to enhance protect itself from re-
system performance. moval or destruction by
Networking These free utilities, a variety of means; one
and Internet some in “beta” or pre- of the most common self
release (not a final ver-
sion or build), each per- used by this malware is
form a different task that to prevent the running of
PC users may find help- anti-malware utilities
(see page 7) ful, if not outright neces- that could possibly de-
sary. tect and kill the mal-
Inside this issue: These five free utilities ware. Since Malware-
can be downloaded di- Bytes is one of the most (Continued on page 4)
Robins Ramblings 3
How Ballmer 4
Missed theTidal
Angus MacTavish on Windows 8
Hotel Scam 7
I've been dragged kick- whole bunch of new what looks like a familiar
ing and screaming into geekspeak terms. Windows desktop.
Presentation and 7 learning Windows 8. I
Bio for Saturday really liked Windows 7. To get to the screen I don't know why, but an
Unfortunately my lovely with all the "tiles", hit the icon or tile for Internet
Historian Report 8
Windows 7 machine Explorer is available on
died, and the only com- Windows key . On both the start screen
Obituary 9 puter that had the specs the top left this screen and the desktop, but I
I wanted was available will say start. In Win- have been told repeat-
one way: with Windows dows 8 this is called the edly NOT to use the one
Birthdays and 10 8. So I am doing my start menu. To get to on the start screen. I
Recipe best to learn a whole the desktop, hit the win- will take everyone's
new "language", OK, a dows key and the letter word for it.
d. This will bring you to (Continued on page 6)