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Robin’s RAMblings
In the May News Journal Angus I now accepted that I had a se- We have exciting programs
MacTavish wrote an article enti- rious problem on my hands. scheduled for 2013-2014:
tled “This nearly was a very sad The consensus was that it was
story…”. The article was to re- a power supply problem and/or
mind you to back up your com- a motherboard problem. It was September 21, 2013-Richard
puter NOW. determined that these repairs Garling, Social Networking
were too expensive for the age
Well, guess who usually stands of the computer and that I October 5, 2013-Identity Theft
on her soapbox and tells people would need to get a new one. I by Grayslake Police Officer Tim
to back up their computers and had been hoping to hold off on Warner
… you guessed it … hadn’t a new computer until Microsoft
backed up hers in a few weeks. had a more user friendly oper- November 2, 2013-Photoshop
Last Tuesday evening I was go- ating system. No such luck! Elements – Tips and Tricks by
ing to start an Acronis backup/ J.J. Johnson
image but decided I was too The new computer arrived this
tired and went to bed. afternoon. I gingerly unpacked December 14, 2013-Holiday
it, put it on the dining room ta- party at State Bank of the
Wednesday afternoon I turned ble, and left it there. My very Lakes. Save the date!
on my computer and … nothing knowledgeable friend is due
happened. I tried to remember here tomorrow evening to set it January 4, 2014-Show and tell,
what my friend had suggested up. Unfortunately I do not have and Ask the Gurus
when I had trouble once before. the luxury of using my old com-
Nothing worked. I called my puter until I l learn how to use February 2, 2014-
friend and he told me what I the new one. If all else fails, I
could try. It worked for a short guess I could install Classic March 1, 2014-
while and then nothing. Shell which makes Windows 8
kind of look and work like Win- Happy computing!
I called Mike McEnery, my long dows 7.
suffering, patient friend who told
me to copy all the data I could By the way I may now consider
NOW before it died again. using Carbonite to back up into
Amazingly I was able to do a the cloud. Our club founder,
duplicate and an Acronis im- Dwight “J.J.” Johnson, was the
age. It was still going two hours last person I knew who refused
later when suddenly … nothing. to use an online backup ser-
The next morning I turned it on vice. He recently told me that
and everything seemed fine for he was using Carbonite to back
perhaps ten minutes and then up some of his data.
Stay tuned.