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(Continued from page 6) Please re-read me your credit card number and
verify the last 3 digits numbers at the reverse side
Windows logo key +Z of your charge card.”
Show the commands available in the app

Windows logo key +spacebar Not thinking anything is wrong, since the call
Switch input language and keyboard layout seems to come from the front desk, you oblige.
But actually, it is a scam by someone calling from
Windows logo key +Ctrl+spacebar
Change to a previously selected input outside the hotel. They have asked for a random
room number, then ask you for your credit card
and address information. They sound so profes-
Windows logo key +Tab sional, that you think you are talking to the front
Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) desk.
Windows logo key +Ctrl+Tab
Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps) If you ever encounter this scenario on your trav-
and snap them as they are cycled els, tell the caller that you will be down to the
front desk to clear up any problems. Then, go to
Windows logo key +Shift+Tab the front desk or call directly and ask if there was
Cycle through open apps (except desktop apps)
in reverse order a problem. If there was none, inform the manager
of the hotel that someone tried to scam you of
Windows logo key +PgUp your credit card information, acting like a front
Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor desk employee.
on the left (Apps in the desktop won’t change
monitors) This was sent to me by someone who has been
Windows logo key +PgDown duped and is still cleaning up the mess.
Move the Start screen and apps to the monitor
on the right (apps in the desktop won’t change ANYONE traveling should be aware of this
monitors) one!
Windows logo key +Shift+period (.)
Snaps an app to the left
Windows logo key +period (.)
Snaps an app to the right Presentation and Bio for this Saturday:
By Rich Garling
I'm still calling out plaintively, "Where is my Start
Menu?" I hear Windows 8.1 will address many The Internet:
of my concerns ... but not that one. I keep hear-
ing people tell me to go to Classic Shell. I'm not How to Make it Work for You
giving in just yet, but it could happen.
A Presentation on how the pieces of the Internet fit
together making it efficient and easy to either tell
HOTEL SCAM people what you're all about or for you to find what
you're looking for.
Submitted by Virginia Van Amburgh
You arrive at your hotel and check in at the front Rich Garling, an Internet Consultant/IT Project Man-
desk. Typically when checking in, you give the ager and owner of Yellowbird Marketing Solutions
front desk your credit card (for all the charges to has been involved with web development, eCom-
your room). You go to your room and settle in. All merce and Internet applications development since
is good. 1995 and has worked for a variety of companies in-
The hotel receives a call and the caller asks for (as cluding Abbot Labs, Vance Publishing, Anixter Inter-
national and currently works for Uline Corporation in
an example) room 620 - which happens to be your assisting them with redesigning their current web in-
room. The phone rings in your room. You answer terface. He is also the owner of Yellowbird Marketing
and the person on the other end says the following, Solutions, a company that specializes in providing
“This is the front desk. When checking in, we came consulting services to small and medium size busi-
across a problem with your charge card information. nesses place themselves on the internet.

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