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Long-time L.C.A.C.E. member Theresa E.
Hanlon passed away unexpectedly on Decem-
ber 9, 2015, after a brief illness and hospitaliza-
tion. Terri was born on July 9 , 1944, and was
the oldest of 24 grandchildren in the extended
Hanlon family. (Not surprisingly, there were
lots of family members at her funeral Mass,
held at St. Mary’s Visitation Parish in Elm
Grove, Wisconsin on December 12 .)

Terri was survived by her mother, three sisters,
one daughter, two sons and four grandsons.

At the Mass, one of her sisters provided a lov-
ing eulogy for Terri. As she pointed out, and as
those of us who knew Terri well surely have
recognized, although her life had its ups and
downs Terri maintained a great sense of humor
and the ability to laugh at both jokes and the
absurdities of life. (This trait seems to run in
her family; her sister told us that the family
taped a photo of Groucho Marx dressed as a
doctor (complete with stethoscope) to the foot
of Terri’s hospital bed, so that it would be the
first thing she would see in the morning when
she woke up. The inside joke was that none of
the relatively young doctors who visited Terri
had any idea who the person in the photo actu-
ally was. After one of them inquired about the
photo, they told him it was a picture of Terri’s

She went on to describe Terri as an excellent
seamstress, a good cook, an artist and a long-
time genealogist. On a more serious note as
she closed her eulogy, her sister talked about
Terri’s death. To provide some cheer for Terri
and the family during her last days they had set
up a radio in her hospital room, playing Christ-
mas carols. At 5:05 a.m. on Tuesday morning,
just as a carol was ending, Terri died. The next
song on the radio was “Amazing Grace”……

Rest in peace, Terri.

Special Memories from her closes friends: Roger &
Linda Busch, Mike McEnery, Donna Kalinoski, Sandy Ma-
son, Judy Dunham and J. J. Johnson.

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