Page 3 - index
P. 3

Welcome to spring / summer! As the seasons and create lots of new Windows apps. And,
change, so does the Tech frontier…. lots of new Windows apps would in theory
make Windows phones more competitive in
Big news at Microsoft! They the smartphone marketplace. Whether be-
have just announced the layoff cause of the lack of Windows phone market
of 1,850 staff from their penetration, existing developer tie-ins with the
smartphone hardware business, Apple and Android universes or something
with up to 1,350 of those job re- else, there has not been a significant in-
ductions occurring in Finland at crease in Universal Windows 10 apps since
the former Nokia operations ac- that OS launched last July
quired a few years ago by Microsoft.
What happens now is anyone’s guess. Here
Given that Microsoft has touted their intent to is what a Microsoft spokesperson had to say
create a single Windows OS and universal app after the layoff announcement, as reported in
library that will tie together computers, tablets a related PC World online article:
and phones, this announcement begs a lot of
questions. The uncertainty is further rein- “We will continue to develop new devices
forced by Microsoft’s 2015 announcement of and adapt Windows 10 for small screens,
Continuum, the ability to create, modify and support Lumia Phones such as the Lumia
store content in OneDrive from any device, 650, Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL, and
from anywhere. Promotional articles and pho- phones from our OEM hardware partners like
tos actually show Windows phones connected Acer, Alcatel, HP, Trinity and Vaio, where
to a monitor and keyboard being used as min- we’re seeing good traction," a Microsoft rep-
iature PCs to access and modify content resentative said in a statement, when asked if
stored in OneDrive. the Microsoft Lumia smartphone brand was
officially dead. "We have nothing to share
In some ways this layoff announcement proba- about our future product roadmap.”
bly should not be a surprise. Windows phone
market share, always miniscule compared to Meanwhile, the same PC World article re-
iOS and Android, has actually shrunk in the ports that Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has
past year. Meanwhile, Microsoft has yet to re- stated that development will also continue on
lease Windows 10 Mobile to existing Windows Continuum. So, one could assume that this
phone users, limiting it to a few high-end new layoff announcement may simply represent
phones that were introduced since last July. Microsoft getting out of the phone hardware
Reviews of the new software on those phones business and leaving that arena to their OEM
have been mixed; the perception has been that hardware partners, while development of
Microsoft is having problems fine-tuning Win- phone software and apps will remain a priori-
dows 10 Mobile and was therefore delaying roll ty within Microsoft. Time will tell……
-out to existing Windows 8.1 Phone users.
Another big Tech announcement, this time
Microsoft’s drive toward Universal apps was from Alphabet (Google)! Over the balance of
supposed to be the catalyst for greater market the year Google will modify their Chrome OS
penetration by Windows phones going forward. to allow Android apps from the Google Play
With truly universal apps, a user would be able store to run on Chromebooks. You can read
to use their favorites on any device. This was
expected to create an incentive for developers
to step up their focus on the Windows platform, (Continued on page 4)

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