Page 9 - index
P. 9
(Continued from page 8) easy to use; it is launched by simply throwing it
government regulators get their vehicles and in the air. It tracks and follows you via a small
laws completed first? tracking device and takes video and stills. It is
in pre-sales online for $800. This kind of de-
Though 2015 set a record for auto sales, low vice could be the next Go-Pro Hero of action
fuel prices sent sales of electric cars down 17% cameras. If the price could come down further,
from 2014. While new plug-in electric and hy- it could be a big hit.
brid models continue to be introduced, consum-
ers are reluctant to pay the $8K to $10K premi- Computers. Sales of laptop and desktop
um for these vehicles with gas prices so low. computers fell slightly in 2015, continuing a
Only 400,000 out of the 1 million electric vehi- trend started in 2012 when tablets began to
cle sales goal set by the Obama administration compete with them. Tablet sales rose for sev-
by 2015 had been achieved. eral years, but were flat last year, probably be-
cause by then almost everyone that wanted a
Going forward, consumers can expect more tablet had finally gotten one. Microsoft’s re-
electronics in their cars and trucks and more lease of the Windows 10 operating system was
electric cars in general, especially if oil prices supposed to spur sales of new computers, but
increase sharply. If fuel prices stay low, auto by the end of 2015, it had only a 10% market
makers will be conflicted, having to choose be- share (less than Windows 8.1 at 10.3%, XP at
tween selling bigger vehicles that consumers 11% and Windows 7 at 56%). This was in spite
want and smaller, high mileage gas and electric of Microsoft offering it for free to existing Win-
cars that allow them to meet the much tougher dows 7 and 8 users. For tablets, 57% used the
2025 average fuel economy standards. Though Android OS at the end of 2015, while iOS had
adding electronics tends to increase reliability, 35% of the market.
look for more recalls as the complexity of the
products increases. Autonomous vehicle devel- The main competition for computers and tab-
opment has become “too big to fail”; with so lets at this point is the smart phone. While
many players in the market, the cars could be computers (desktops and notebooks com-
available in just a few years, and then the regu- bined) had around 300,000 shipped in 2015,
lations will have to be resolved. This will be and tablets an additional 300,000 units, nearly
great for the disabled and inebriated, but dev- 2 million mobile phones were shipped world-
astating for bus, taxi and truck drivers. wide. While smart phones and tablets may be
great for web surfing and emails, most file cre-
Drones. The FAA (Federal Aviation Admin- ation work is still best done on a conventional
istration) finally released some regulations for PC, with a larger screen and full keyboard. Tax
small unmanned aircraft or drones in 2015, re- return filing season is here, and while a few
quiring registration for some and specifying may file using a tablet, I would guess the ma-
flight rules. As with their wheeled autonomous jority of filers will do so on a desktop or laptop
cousins, regulations have not kept up with the PC (with practically none on a smart phone). I
technology and popularity of personal drones. can’t see editing spreadsheets or writing large
Aerial firefighting efforts for wildfires last sum- documents on a smart phone. Even online
mer were interfered with by drones in a number shopping is more difficult on a smart phone’s
of cases. A number of new laws relating to small screen. Thus I feel computers will contin-
drones were proposed in California but none ue to hold their percentage of market share for
were enacted. Meanwhile, small quadcopters quite a few years into the future. It will also
continue to drop in price and become more take a few years for Windows 10 to become
available. Fry’s has several aisles devoted to the most used computer OS, but it will get
drones and their accessories. there.
Personal drones usually have a lot of autono- Smart Phones. Smart phone sales may
mous flight capabilities, but most still require have peaked simply because it is getting hard-
some human control, as with a radio-controlled er to find anyone that does not already have
plane. A new product to be released this sum- one. There are some that own no computing
mer called Lily promises to make drone photog- devices other than a smart phone, but those
raphy easy for everyone ( people are primarily content consumers, not
This quadcopter with built-in camera is very (Continued on page 10)