Page 3 - index
P. 3

Let me start by thanking DeBorah Not surprisingly, there are quite a few chang-
Sirilla for all her hard work in es to Windows 10 contained in this major up-
planning and coordinating our Ju- date (which in earlier days would probably
ly picnic! And, many thanks to have been referred to as a Service Pack).
Bill Fosdick, our chef, and every- Here is a link to a Microsoft blog which pro-
one else who helped with the pic- vides more information about the features in-
nic! Unfortunately, while we did cluded in this update: https://
not have rain, the weather was
certainly hot and humid. But, with two fans, windowsexperience/2016/06/29/windows-10-
cool drinks courtesy of J.J. and Judy and plen- anniversary-update-available-august-2/. PC
ty of ice and water, all who attended enjoyed World has published an article describing the
the food and companionship. best new features of this update; you can
read it at:
Our fall program schedule will kick off at the article/3053934/windows/the-windows-10-
August meeting with a follow-up session about anniversary-updates-best-new-features.html.
smartphones. In the past year, we shared in-
formation about the types of phones and plans It will be interesting to see how the update
that we have and what we liked (or disliked) process works across those 350 Million Win-
about both. This new session will focus on dows 10 devices. (I’ve already run into a
how we use our phones. What do we do be- “show-stopper” when trying to manually up-
sides make and receive calls, or send and re- date two of my devices).
ceive text messages? What apps have we in-
stalled, and how do we like them? What rec- As some of you may remember I own a small
ommendations can we offer to each other blue HP netbook with an 11.6” display, known
about smartphone security? And, so on. De- as an HP Stream computer. I also own a Dell
pending on interest, the amount of discussion Venue 8 tablet. Both devices contain 32 GB
and the time available, we’ll see if it would be of solid-state storage, which is not expanda-
worthwhile to schedule more smartphone dis- ble. Both came with Windows 8, and upgrad-
cussion at a meeting late this year or early in ed seamlessly to Windows 10. However,
2017. when the Microsoft installer software checked
these devices for update suitability prior to
For those of us who depend upon Windows- installing the Anniversary Update, I was in-
based computers and/or tablets, the big news formed that I had to clear more storage ca-
is the release of the Windows 10 Anniversary pacity before the update could proceed. It
Update on August 2 . Microsoft will be rolling turns out that the user must have at least
this update out to the 350 Million computers 20GB of available file storage for this update.
currently running Windows 10 on a gradual ba- However, the current version of Windows 10
sis, with a priority being given to newer ma- takes up approximately 14 GB of the SSD ca-
chines. Here is a link to a Microsoft blog which pacity. Even with everything other than Win-
talks about the roll-out: https:// dows 10 deleted from my on-board storage I have not been able to satisfy the “20 GB free”
windowsexperience/2016/08/02/how-to-get-the requirement on either device. As a result, I
-windows-10-anniversary-update/. This blog have not been able to install the update. I am
includes information about ways in which Win- not alone in owning these modest Windows
dows 10 users can manually obtain and install computers, so I am waiting to see what MS
this update if they are not willing to wait until comes up with for folks like us.
Microsoft gets around to them.

(Continued on page 4)

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