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Phil’s Ramblings
February 2017 nates with the other six elected offic-
ers to assign them to specific board
positions. All officers serve for one
Happy Valentine’s Day! year. Suggestions have been made to
Can spring be far be- change the term of office to two years,
hind? (Yes, this is north- perhaps with staggered terms for con-
ern Illinois after all; how- tinuity, to elect the president, secretary
ever, one can always and treasurer separately from the oth-
hope!) er four board members and to elect
First, two club-related each of the seven board positions
topics from our January separately. After considerable discus-
meeting. sion, a motion was made and passed
Annual Picnic. In recent years we to continue the current process for this
have hosted a picnic in July at a club year’s election cycle, but to also form
members’ home and at a Vernon Hills a working group to study this topic fur-
park. As of our January meeting, no one ther, consider how other similar clubs
has stepped forward to volunteer their and organizations conduct their elec-
home for a 2017 picnic, or to coordinate tions and then to share their results
a 2017 picnic at a park or other public and recommendations well in advance
venue. During informal conversations of next year’s election cycle. More to
with members, I have received a number follow…….
of suggestions for alternate approaches
- including taking the month of July off As we move into 2017, Microsoft has an-
from any club activities, having a regular nounced two major Windows 10 updates for
club meeting and presentation in lieu of this year. The first, the “Creators Update”,
a picnic, holding our picnic at an indoor should be released shortly. Here is how they
facility to avoid the risk of rain and/or un- describe this update on their website:
usual heat or cold, or some combination “Windows introduces the next wave of
thereof. We discussed this topic at our innovation with the Windows 10 Crea-
January meeting, and then voted on the tors Update, giving you new creativity
alternatives presented. The winning al- and gaming experiences built around
ternative was a combination of a regular the people who matter most. Do
club meeting / presentation and an in- amazing things in 3D and virtual reali-
door picnic. We are currently looking at ty, quickly connect and share with
Saturday, July 8 or Saturday, July 16 . your key people, and enjoy epic gam-
More details to follow……. ing with 4K fidelity and game broad-
Election of Officers. Per our current For more details, go to: https://
by-laws, we open nominations for club
officers at our February and March upcoming-features.
meetings, with elections held at our April At this writing, I have been unable to find de-
meeting. We elect seven board mem- tails about the second upgrade planned for
bers at large; from this group we then
elect a president. The president coordi- (Continued on page 10)