Page 4 - index
P. 4

(Continued from page 3) feel might be of interest to our members. We
says that "The 'HoeflerText' font wasn't found," have a limited amount of time together over
which is why you can't read the page. You're the course of a year; it would be a shame not
then asked to update the "Chrome Font to take full advantage of this time to grow our
Pack." (See example below.) knowledge and explore new areas of compu-
ting! Please contact Linda Rohlfing at pro- or me at presi- to volunteer yourself or some-
one else!

And, finally, we are planning to test an indoor
venue for this year’s July LCACE picnic, to be

Warning! Clicking on the Update button on this held in conjunction with a normal meeting. We
message will infect your gadget with click-fraud need a volunteer to coordinate picnic food ser-
adware. vice and activities; the normal meeting respon-
sibilities will be handled by LCACE officers as
Hidden ads will be loaded and clicked on auto- usual. Please contact me at the March meet-
matically. This is how the criminal gets paid, by ing or by email at or by
ripping off legitimate ad networks.

At this time, the risk to Chrome users is their
gadget is infected with click-fraud adware. How to uninstall:

However, this scheme could change at a mo- Office 2016
ment's notice. Office 365
The hacker could change the malicious link
into something worse, like encrypting ransom- Office 2013
ware. This is why it's so troublesome that this
scam is still active.
Hi everyone I just want to tell you how to
The best defense is knowing what to look for. If uninstall Office 2016, Office 2013, 0r Office
you visit a site and it asks you to download a
font update, do NOT do it! It's always better to 365 from a PC. I purchased a new comput-
be safe than sorry.” er and it came with Windows 10 operating
system. When I tried to load Word from the
Coming events menu I go a prompt asking me if I wanted a

As a reminder, nominations for LCACE officers trial version or did I want to purchase Of-
for the coming year may be made at our March fice 2016 for a reoccurring $99.00 Annual
meeting, and before the vote at our April meet- fee. What??? These programs were al-
ing. Please consider volunteering and/or nom- ways free on the windows versions of
inating fellow members who you feel would be past.
good candidates for a LCACE leadership posi-
tion. So I went online and purchased my own Of-
fice 2016 for $83.00 instant download.
On a different subject, please think about vol-
unteering to serve as a presenter, coordinator Here is the “rub”, I uninstall the Office soft-
or member of a discussion panel at a forth- ware that came loaded in my computer from
coming LCACE meeting. While we would be the factory
When I go to install my software I get an error
happy for you to volunteer your services, we box it says: “click-to-run extensibility com-
would be equally happy if you can put us in ponent”
contact with a past member or a non-member
who has a particular interest or skill that you (Continued on page 7)

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