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suspect recent changes caused the problem,
(Continued from page 7)
or as an initial troubleshooting step, before
image) of the hard drive. If necessary to wipe/ resorting to recovery. Make sure system re-
format a hard drive, an image can restore the store is turned on. After upgrading from Win-
entire contents of a hard drive; the operating dows 7 to Windows 10, I discovered that sys-
system, programs, and personal files. Some tem restore had been turned off. Windows au-
backup programs also provide the option to tomatically creates restore points before per-
create an image. forming certain actions. You can manually
create a restore point, e.g., before installing
While the terms image and clone are often new software.
used interchangeably, the exact definition of
clone is when two hard drives are installed in a To access system restore, search for system
computer and data is copied from old to new, and click create a restore point. It should open
which requires that the original hard drive is System Protection under System Properties.
still working. The last time I purchased a new Under Protection Settings, it will list the drives
hard drive, it came with a version of True Im- on the computer and whether protection is on
age software that provided this capability and I or off. Normally, you just want protection on
was up and running in a short period of time for (C:). If it is not on, click Configure and turn
with all of my user ids, programs, data and set- it on. Make sure the percentage of disk space
tings. available for system restore is set to some-
thing other than 0, 10% should be good in
When creating a system image most flash most cases.
drives will be too small so you will need an ex-
ternal hard drive. Depending on the size of the To create a restore point, click Create and fol-
external hard drive, multiple images can be low the prompts. To revert to a previous re-
saved to the same drive. Name the image (or store point, click System Restore… , click
the folder you save it in) so you can identify Next. To see more restore points, click to
when it was created and, if you have multiple place checkmark in box to left of “Show more
computers, which computer it was created restore points”. Click the restore point you
from. The program used to create the image want to use and click Next. If you know when
prompts you to create a bootable flash drive, the problem started, chose the restore point
which only has to be done once. You boot the just before that date/time. If you don’t know
computer from the flash drive and it contains which restore point to use, start with the most
the software to restore the image from the ex- recent and, if that doesn’t fix the problem, run
ternal drive. If you have multiple computers, System restore again and choose a different
you may need to create a bootable flash drive restore point. System restore is not supposed
for each computer. In most cases, an image or to affect your personal files, but make sure
clone can’t be used to restore to a different your backup is current, just in case.
computer, although some software may sup-
port this. In some cases, system restore fails and Win-
dows automatically returns the computer to
Another term discussed was System Restore. how it was before system restore ran. There is
This option usually requires being able to boot also an option to undo a system restore.
into Windows. System Restore can be used if
the computer isn’t working correctly and you (Continued on page 9)
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