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(Continued from page 11)                              model, and price of the items we are interested in.
                  breaker game is available for easy ac-        Sometimes  we  take  a  quick  photo  of  the  item  on
                  cess  on  Google.  Just  search  “Atari       the  shelf  with  the  price  tag.  Then  we  look  up  the
                  Breakout”  (without  quotes)  on  Google      same  item  on  Almost  always  the
                  Images and enjoy.                             price is the same or in many cases cheaper. Once
                                                                we  know  what  we  want,  we  can  save  selected
              ·  Search  images  using  images.  Ever           items in our “shopping cart” on-line and continue to
                  come  across  a  photo  that  looks           compare  multiple  items  before  purchase.  For  our
                  strangely  familiar?  Or  if  you  want  to   extended family, which is literally in all parts of the
                  know where it came from? If you save          country, the benefit is definitely the “free shipping”
                                                                –  being  able  to  send  any  Amazon  purchase  any-
                  the  image,  and  then  search  it  on        where in the country with NO shipping costs. If it is
                  Google  Images  (with  the  camera  but-      a gift, they will even gift-wrap it for you and send a
                  ton), you’ll be able to see similar imag-     message for a small fee. So, if you do any shipping
                  es on the web.                                of gifts Amazon Prime could be a big help to you.
                                                                Just  your  savings  on  gas  for  going  to  the  stores
              ·  Press the mic icon on Google’s search          and then to the post office or shipper could make
                  bar, and say “flip a coin” Google will flip   up the $100 annual fee.
                  a coin for you when you don’t have one
                  on hand.                                      There  are  other  benefits  to  Amazon  Prime  which
                                                                may  be  of  interest  to  you.  Amazon  keeps  adding
                                                                enhancements  and  options  to  get  your  business,
                                                                and many could be fun or helpful for you as well.
                                                                Here are just a few of them:
           Back to Basics                                          •  Movies on-line or downloaded to your de-

           Is Amazon “Prime”                                           vice. Many are free with your “prime” mem-
           Worth It?                                               •  Music  on-line  with  fun  playlists  of  different
                                                                       styles or by artist or album.
                                                                   •  Free photo storage.
                                                                   •  Groceries and pet supplies delivered to your
                                                                       door for a flat $5 fee.
           Jim Cerny, Forum Leader, Sarasota Technology
           User’s Group, FL                                     Please go to or use Google to search
           December 2016 issue, Sarasota Monitor                for “How to use” and watch a video to
                                       learn all the possibilities. Many of these added ser-
           jimcerny123 (at)                           vices may be available only within a limited area or
                                                                zip code.
           Gradually  as  technology  progresses  faster  than
           our  minds  can  catch  up  to  it,  on-line  shopping  is
           becoming more and more the trend. If you check
           the contents of Santa’s sleigh this year you will find   Online Safety
           many items are in Amazon shipping boxes!  Even
           Walmart and other stores are allowing ordering on-
           line  and  then  picking  up  your  completed  order at  February Meeting Recap
           their store – all for free. But Amazon is taking a big   By  John  Weigle,  Editor,  Channel  Islands
           piece  of  the  Walmart  customer  pie,  and  the  big   PCUG, CA
           plus  with  Amazon  “Prime”  is  FREE  delivery  any-  March 2017 issue, The TOE
                                                                jweigle (at)
           Amazon  has  great  prices  too.  And  although  the
           cost  to  become  an  Amazon  “Prime”  member  is
           $100  a  year,  (ouch,  you  say!?)  even  if  you  pur-  Online safety was the primary topic of the Feb-
           chase a modest number of products it can easily      ruary program, with member Michael Shalkey
           be worth the price.                                  discussing the amount of personal information
                                                                that's on the internet and many of the dangers
           Shopping  for  things  to  buy  comes  often  in  our  that  creates.  He  used,  which
           house, not just at the Holidays, and we make note    was designed for women but has tips for eve-
           of  prospective  purchases  at  the  stores.  We  write   ryone in its online security guide as a general
           down  (or  make  a  note  in  our  iPhone)  the  make,
                                                                                                  (Continued on page 13)

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