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two ways to receive the code you will need to
complete your login.
On a cheerier note, we had an enjoyable pic-
nic & computer discussion at the State Bank of I was sitting in my "office" in the basement try-
the Lakes branch in Grayslake on Saturday, ing to think of something funny to say about
July 15 . Twenty-eight members and guests Summer being just about over and on the road
showed up, and brought lots of good food. Af- to Fall, but that's really not funny. Enjoy your
ter a leisurely meal, I led a discussion of “How last month of Summer and check out all this
to become your own computer expert”, incor- great information.
porating ideas and suggestions from past This edition of NOOZ is being sent to your
LCACE meetings and other sources. (I have group’s officers that are listed in the UGLS
since emailed a copy of the presentation to all (APCUG’s membership database).
LCACE members, along with recommenda-
tions made by audience members during our We urge you to share the information to your
discussion, via our Google Groups email set- club members, by including it in your newslet-
up. If you did not receive this email, please let ter, posting it on your website, or e-mailing it
to members of your group.
J.J. or me know so we can work with you to be
sure you receive our group emails in the fu- In this edition of NOOZ:
1. POSSIBLE Advertising in Your Newsletter
Liz Barnett won the 50/50 raffle ($15), and our 2. Information for Editors
five door prizes were won by Harriet Rudnit, 3. 2017 Q3 Reports
Linda Busch, Todd Burdeinei, Linda Koudelka 4. Is Your Group’s Website Protected with an
SSL Certificate?
and Jean Moran. 5. APCUG’s Facebook Page
6. Summer VTC Reminder – August 19
Many thanks to Liz Barnett for coordinating our
food & beverages, to Linda Busch for greeting 1. POSSIBLE Advertising for Your Newslet-
our guests and handling our raffles and to Les ter - From the April NOOZ: MANY GROUPS
Larkin, Fred Barnett and others for their help in LOOK FOR ADVERTISING LIKE WE HAD
cleaning up! And to everyone for their great ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER?
food and active participation in our computer APCUG does not endorse this product but is
discussion! just passing the information on to member
Here’s a photo of the feast….. groups. We don’t have any more information
than what is below.
Paul Bordenkircher, OPe Technologies, is in-
terested in finding out whether there are op-
portunities to advertise in your newsletters or
According to him, it’s a cloud storage solution,
more secure version of Dropbox, with on-
device encryption and higher security stand-
ards than the big guys. It’s planned for release
in late-August. He thinks APCUG groups
would “get” the need for this product before
most other users.
(Continued on page 8)