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Backup activity and statis-
tics—For every backup, you
Editorial can easily view how many
times it was started, if the
operations were successful
or not, size of the backed-
up data, status of opera-
By Phil Bock tions performed on the
President L.C.A.C.E. backup, and other details.
This information is collected
B allows you to track the full
on the Activity tab, which
y now most of us have heard the term
backup history starting from
"situational pricing" - referring to algo-
rithms used by businesses to take advantage its creation.
of high demand by temporarily raising their Improved and simplified creation of WinPE-based
prices. Anyone who has tried to book a hotel media—When you want to create a WinPE media,
room on a weekend for the big college game, the amount of data that you need to download is
or graduation, has probably run headlong into quite significant and can easily exceed 1 GB or
this. A lesser known case is when companies even more. The new method optimizes this pro-
track your web activity to gauge your interest in cess and downloads only those files that are re-
a product or service. After accessing a partic- quired for the WinPE media creation. As a result,
you need to download only about 500 MB. Moreo-
ular website a few times to check pricing and / ver, instead of creating a WinPE media you can
or availability, you may have noticed that the create WinRE media. This is much easier because
price has increased for the item or service of Windows Recovery Environment is already includ-
interest. ed in Windows Vista and later versions of Win-
Here's an article from a recent Kim Komando dows, and you do not need to download additional
newsletter that speaks to this situation, for air- components from the Internet. Similar to WinPE-
line fares: based media, you can add your drivers for better compatibility with your hardware.
rates/all Acronis Active Protection dashboard—This is your
Kim points out that access to your computer IP new command center of anti-ransomware protec-
tion with all the necessary settings, statistics, sum-
address is essential to this pricing game, and mary, and exhaustive information on the current
suggests using incognito browsing. Another processes.
way to mask your IP address is to use a VPN,
as we have discussed at past meetings. Or, Acronis Active Protection 2.0—In this version:
do both! While this article targets air fares, the Detecting injections, that is attempts of ransom-
concept should apply to any online shopping. ware to inject malicious code into healthy process-
User Group Relations Using Machine Learning technology. This technol-
September 2017 ogy allows us to analyze big data, update the pro-
cess behavioral patterns on the basis of the analy-
User Group Relations – September 2017 sis, and therefore temporarily improve quality of
Announcing Acronis True 2018 ransomware detection engine.
By Gene Barlow Converting Acronis backups (.tib files) to virtual
User Group Relations hard disks (.vhd or .vhdx files)—You can cre-
ate .vhd(x) files based on disk-level backups, and
then mount these files as virtual drives or run them
Acronis just announced Acronis as virtual machines.
True Image 2018. The new release includes major
updates to the program’s backup and recovery ca- Backup settings transfer—You can import and ex-
pabilities, and is the first personal backup software port the settings of your backups via a .zip file.
to incorporate artificial intelligence-based technolo- This comes in handy when you need to transfer
gy designed to actively protect data against ran- backups from one computer to another, or to the
somware. True Image 2018has many new features
including the following: (Continued on page 10)