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(Continued from page 1) sent, but if possible, HDMI should be your first
your address list. Remember that one person choice to make those connections.
may be assigned to more than one category.
John, for example, may be in your garden club Your TV remote control will have a button la-
and in your bridge club. When you assign beled “input”, and when you press this button
people to different “groups” in your email con- different input options (that is, what is coming
tact list this enables you to send a group email INTO your TV) will be displayed and allow you
to everyone in that group. Pretty cool, eh? to select which one you want. One option will
Can you imagine the huge databases used by be “cable” which means your TV will show
airline companies or the military? Not only your cable programs – the cable you pay for
customer information but parts, inventory, each month. But other choices will include one
sales, and so much more information can be or more HDMI inputs, usually labeled HDMI-1,
organized and available in different ways for HDMI-2, etc. If you have more than one device
different people. connected to your TV it is best for each device
Of course, there are many more tools, op- to connect to its own HDMI port on the back of
tions, and capabilities to a database applica- the TV. You select which of the inputs you
tion. Each may have many possibilities and want to view on your TV by using the “input”
some limitations, but I think this article will button on your remote. Of course, there must
help you understand the basic concepts about be something (video and sound) coming into
the databases you are already using. that port to the TV for you to see anything. For
example, you may have a DVD player con-
Back to Basics nected to HDMI-1, but if your DVD player is
The HDMI Cable and not on and playing something, you will not see
anything on your TV when you select that input
Connectors option. If you have some older devices which
may not have an HDMI connector, you can
purchase a converter device to allow it to con-
Jim Cerny, Forum Leader, Sarasota Technology nect.
User’s Group, FL
April 2017 issue, Sarasota Monitor Lastly, I am always amazed by the cost of ca- bles – after all, they are just wires with plugs
jimcerny123 (at) on the ends, right? If you checkout the prices
of cables at stores and the prices on the inter-
As technology changes, hopefully for the bet- net, you will be shocked at the high prices they
ter, more and more devices are available to can charge for these things. Yes, some cables
us. For most of us who use technology for are higher quality than others and may come
personal and home use, we would like to con- with better “shielding” to protect the signal, but
nect some devices to our TVs to enjoy the big most prices are much too high for what you
screen video and great sound experience. get. My advice would be to shop on-line and
The latest connection cable type that does this get the cheapest cable that meets your needs,
for us is HDMI which stands for “High Defini- but make sure you can return it if you are not
tion Media Interface”. The cable connectors happy with it. If it doesn’t work for you, then
(the standard size and a mini size) are shown return it and move up to the next higher-priced
in the photo. They have a shape to them that (and hopefully better quality) cable.
allows them to be inserted only one way, so
do not force it into the port, try turning it over You can find out more about HDMI cables and
(180 degrees) and try again. connectors by asking Google, of course. But
connecting them is easy, even for us ama-
The purpose of HDMI is to replace different teurs.
kinds of connectors and cables with one type
that, hopefully, can handle all your device con-
nections. Do you remember the old days
when there were separate audio/stereo and
video cables? Today almost all of the newer
devices (laptops, TV’s, DVD players, etc.) will
come with at least one HDMI connector port.
The older style connectors may also be pre-