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Maintaining Your

                                                                           Backup System

                                                                  on the Internet, and make purchases
                                                                  online. We store our photos, email mes-
                                                                  sages, and financial records on these de-
                                                                  vices. Almost all aspects of our daily life
                                                                  are centered on these important devices.
             Holiday Special Announcement
                                                                  Part of the useful-
             Linda and I want to celebrate this special           ness of these de-
             time of the year by wishing all of you a             vices is the con-
             happy holiday season. The last two months            stant access to the
             of the year is a very special time for us.           Internet that these
             Many of our favorite holidays happen in              devices have.
             this short period. We celebrate Halloween,           Unfortunately, the
             Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah,                Internet has many
             before ending the season with New Years.             bad things that can
             It is a time to party with family and friends        happen to your de-
             and give gifts to those we love.                     vices. So, special
                                                                  things need to be
                                                                  done to protect
             This year we want to show our apprecia-              your devices from
             tion for all of you with our best discount           the evils of the In-
             prices ever. We have also added 5-item               ternet. By far, the
             packages for even higher discounts. This             most important
             special runs for only a few days, so get             protection you have against these evils is
             your products ordered before this dis-               having a well-run backup system working
             count has ended. At these great prices,              to protect you.
             consider getting these as gifts to your fami-
             ly and friends. For example, five licenses
             of True Image 2019 Standard or Advanced              Like any part of an important system is
             is only $50, or just $10 per license. That           keeping that system running clean and
             makes a very affordable gift to give to fam-         smooth. This is especially true of the all-
             ily and friends. One they will enjoy all             important backup system we rely on for
             year.                                                our electronic devices. So, I have come up

                                                                  with a list of five key maintenance steps to
                                                                  get the best protection possible from your
             Maintaining Your Backup System                       backup system. They are as follows:

             By Gene Barlow                                                         To
             User Group Relations

             Copyrighted December 2018

             Today we center many of our activities in
             our electronic devices – our computers,
             our tablets, and our smartphones. We
             communicate with others, research topics

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