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the Visual Basic.Net, Visual C#.Net and Visual C++
         languages, an extensive set of built in interactive
         components, plus an Integrated Development
         Environment with debugger and Microsoft’s
         “Intellisource” assistance to make Windows
         programming easier than ever. It is designed to run
         on the Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 desktops. It can
         create many types of applications, including
         traditional desktop apps, “Modern/Metro/Universal”
         apps, web applications and even apps for Android
         and iOS mobile devices.

         You can download Visual Studio 2019 Community             Picture Renamer Set Up to Perform Renames
         Edition at the following hyperlink:
                                                                After the user clicks the “Rename Files” button, the
                                                                program renames the qualifying image files in the                 folder using the base name, separator and

                                                                successive sequence numbers.

         Space here doesn’t allow me to even scratch the
         surface of programming in Visual Studio, which uses
         the “.Net” framework runtime environment. However,
         for those interested, I’ve built PictureRenamer.exe, a
         simple bulk picture renaming tool using VB.Net 2019.
         I use this tool often to rename a set of images in a
         folder to something more meaningful than the “Img-
         nnnn.jpg” names that come from my cell-phone

         The picture renamer program lets you select a folder                Picture Renamer After Run
         of images, set a base name, a starting number, a
         step increment, a separator pattern and the number
         of digits to use in the sequence number to use for     The Picture Renamer program is implemented as a
         the resultant file names. As these settings are        Windows Desktop application. It has only a single
         changed, an example of the resultant file name is      screen. The “Browse” button opens a standard
         displayed.                                             Windows “Select Folder” dialog that allows the user
                                                                to pick the folder whose images are to be renamed.

         When the rename settings are suitable, the user
         clicks the “Rename Files” button and the program       To view or edit the program’s project file and source
         sets about renaming the image files in that folder. A   code, you must first have installed Visual Studio
         file is considered an image file if its suffix is: .jpg,   2019 Community Edition. Double click the
         .png, .bmp or .tif. Files with other suffixes are ig-  PictureRenamer.vbproj file in the extracted set of
         nored.                                                 files. From there you’re off and running.

         See the following screen shot to get an idea how this
         actually looks.

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