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Duplicate Photo Cleaner                                damage to their longevity comes from 100% cycles
                                                                (complete  discharge;  100%  charge).    On  the  other
                                                                hand, if you keep your battery in the 30% to 60% or
                             Duplicate Photo Cleaner is ab-
                             solutely the best way to remove    40% to 80% range with frequent brief rechargings, it
                             duplicate photos from your PC      will  age  very  slowly,  if  at  all.    Early  on,  many  cell
                             and phone!                         phones came with removable batteries; it was rela-
                                                                tively  easy  and  inexpensive  to  buy  a  new  battery.
                             Tired of cluttered photo al-       Most of today’s phones come with a battery soldered
                             bums? Get DPC at a special         into the phone; you will have to take it to an expert to
                             AskWoody discounted price,         have  the  battery  replaced,  at  considerable  cost.    If
                             and delete duplicate and similar   you follow the guidelines mentioned above, you may
                             photos from your computer and      never need to replace your battery.
                             smartphone in a flash!
         AskWoody special: Add File Cleaner for just $9.95!     Stay safe!

         Click here to claim your exclusive discount! Dupli-    Phil
         cate photos won't stand a chance.

         (Continued from page 3) Phil’s Rambling's
                                                               Windows  FREE  Snip
         (I looked for an inexpensive webcam for a friend a
         month ago and found an excellent Logitech model       and Sketch Tool is new
         on  the  Best  Buy  website  listed  at  $39.95  on  May
         1st.    Unfortunately,  it  was  out  of  stock.    I  just   and replacing the old
         checked the Best Buy website again (on May 30);
         this model is still out of stock but is now priced at
         $59.95. The same model is currently listed on the
         Logitech  website  at  $69.99  –  and  is  out  of  stock.                Author: Jim Cerny, Forums Coor-
         But,  good  news,  it  is  available  from  a  third-party                dinator
         seller through the website (with Prime                         December  2019  issue,  STUG
         delivery) for only $108.99!)  Now is probably not a                       Monitor
         good time to buy technology gear unless you abso-               
         lutely must…
                                                                                   jimcerny123 (at)
         Moving along, I recently bought a new Android tab-
         let and was surprised to see that it offers a battery                     The  new  Windows  “Snip  and
         protection option that limits charging to 60% of ca-   Sketch”  tool  was  part  of  the  Windows  10  October
         pacity.  I had not run across this before, so I did an   2018 update. This tool is intended to REPLACE the
         Internet  search  for  battery  protection  and  related   old  “Snipping  Tool”  of  previous  Windows  editions.
         topics.  This turned up a variety of articles dealing   But they (Microsoft) did something to actually help us
         with  tablet  and  phone  batteries,  offering  sugges-  users this time – they kept the old tool! So you can
         tions  to  slow  your  battery  drain  and  to  extend  the   play  and  learn  the  new  Snip  and  Sketch  and  keep
         life of your battery. Here is one such article: https://  the old Snipping Tool too! Maybe they learned not to      force users into using updated or changed apps right
         life-on-your-smartphone/.    I  encourage  you  to  do   away – we need time to adjust and learn, right? Eve-
         your  own  search,  to  see  what  else  is  out  there.    rything you could do in the old Snipping Tool you can
         What these articles told me about the battery pro-     do in Snip and Sketch, plus you get a few more tools
         tection  option  on  my  new  tablet  was  this:  Lithium   and options. Thankfully these new additions are easy
         Ion  batteries  will  no  longer  hold  a  charge  after  a   to see and use, and they can be ignored if you do
         certain number of charge/ discharge cycles, typical-                                       (Continued on page 10)
         ly  in  the  multiple  hundreds.    However,  the  most

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