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“Members Helping Members”

            July/August 2020                                                  Volume 38, Issue 04/05

               Make Windows 10 Faster

         By David Kretchmar, Computer Technician, Sun City      but is the operating system installed on the majority
         Summerlin Computer Club                                of home computers now.
         April 2020 Gigabyte Gazette                            Windows 10 is Microsoft’s best operating system so                                         far but is not perfect. However, it is virtually infinitely
         dkretch (at)                                 customizable and I’m going to make a few sugges-
                                                                tions that will help you get the most out of your win-

                                                                dows 10 system.
                                               Support for
                                               Windows 7 is     Keep Windows Up to Date
                                               now history.
                                               Support for
                                               Windows 8
                                               will last for 3
                                               more years.
                                               Windows 8
                                               mostly con-
                                               sisted of in-
                                               steps (and
                                               toward Win-
         dows 10. In 2020 I can think of no reason for any      Windows is issuing updates on a weekly basis and
         user to be running Windows 8 instead of Windows        these are important not only for the operating system
         10, especially since Windows 10 is superior and is a   and peripheral issues corrected but also for keeping
         free update to Windows 8. So, if you are one of the    your security malware definitions current. Go to Up-
         few users still running Windows 8 there is no better   date Settings and confirm that updates are current.
         time than now to upgrade to Windows 10.                Hit Check for Updates to verify this. This is also
                                                                where you can learn if your system is running the
         Most of us have used Windows 10 for a few years
         now; Windows lacks the flexibility of the flavors of   latest update to Windows 10 (1909) and possibly
         Linux, and the slick user interface of Mac’s Catalina,   complete this process (as is required in the dialogue
                                                                                                      (Continued on page 4)

         July/August 2020                                     1
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