Page 5 - 2008
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(Continued from page 4)                                 Privacy/Settings. With an older system performance
                                                                might be improved by unchecking anything you
        Log-in Faster
                                                                don’t need running.

                                                                Uninstall Unneeded Programs

                                                                Talking about unnecessary stuff included with Win-
                                                                dows 10, there is a ton of “Bloatware” included on

        The Windows 10 log-in screen is an excellent exam-      most new store-bought systems you can just ditch.
        ple of a worthless “improvement”. Having to swipe up    Right-click on Start and click on Apps and Features.
        or down or hit “Space” is a step Microsoft somehow      Scroll through the list and you will see a lot of pro-
        felt was necessary; typing in your password takes       grams on your system that you never use. Games such
        even more time. Most users prefer to use a four-digit   as Candy Crush and security programs such as Norton
        PIN; just enter 4 digits and there is no need to even   or MacAfee are major offenders in this area. Here is
        hit Enter. To set a PIN go to Settings, then Sign-in    where you can simply uninstall the unused applica-
        options. Click on Windows Hello PIN and set your 4-     tions, freeing up room on your hard drive, and ensur-
        digit PIN. Note that a little further down on this page   ing these programs will not try to load and take sys-
        you can disable the requirement for a sign-in after     tem resources in the future.
        you’ve been away from your computer for a while.
        If you want to remove the sign-in password require-
        ment, type “NETPLWIZ” in the search box then use
        this application to disable the password requirement
        for your computer.

        Disable Background Apps
        This is not necessary on a new powerful system, but
        if yours is older you might want to look at these under

         July/August 2020                                     5
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