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Slow Computer, AppleTV Expained, and Family Memories Online

                                                    By Bob DeLaurentis

            Q. My computer slows down the longer I use it. A    ing sticks like Amazon Fire, and very soon, game
         restart will make it better for an hour, but I fear this   consoles. There is a very good chance you already
         prob-lem will get worse.                               own a device capable of view-ing AppleTV+. There
            A. Computers slow down for many reasons.            is even a web viewer at
         When a computer slows down, it generally means a          The streaming TV revolution is picking up speed. I
         resource is constrained.                               expect a flood of new movies previously scheduled
            The most serious constraint is a nearly full disk   for theatrical release will arrive via streaming ser-
         drive. Every drive needs local storage to grow, and    vices this winter. It has already happened with mov-
         a too-full drive can cause slowing just as you de-     ies like Mulan and Greyhound.
         scribe. A good rule of thumb for drives is to avoid       The only bright spot behind the fact that A Charlie
         using the last 20 per-cent of free space.              Brown Christmas has disappeared behind a pay-tv
            the drive is not full, the next sus-pect is random   channel is that streaming services are easier than
         access memory. RAM fills up for different reasons.     ever to access. Sadly, that will leave some potential
         Perhaps there are too many open programs. These        viewers out in the cold. Nevertheless, streaming is
         programs generally appear in the Windows Task          the future of TV.
         List (or the Dock on a Mac), and they include items       Q. How can I save family memories online and
         that were opened up automatically along with pro-      share them with specific people I know? I want
         grams you launched yourself. Not everything ap-        something more than a shared photo album.
         pears in the                                              A. Check out a service called The
            Task List. Viruses, for example, are good at hid-   company has been around for 7 years, which is up-
         ing themselves.                                        per middle-aged by technology standards.
         From here the guessing starts. A bad file on the          The service provides tools to family members to
         disk can sometimes cause slowing, as can network       create a d1grtal vers1on or a family archive, com-
         traffic - espe-cially things like uploads. ·           plete with video, text, and photographs, all orga-
         Over time, computers collect digital bits and bobs     nized in chronological order. There are addi-tional
         that clog the plumbing, making it necessary to rein-   features, including the ability to deliver messages to
         stall the operating system from scratch. These trou-   someone at a future date and a generous free tier to
         bleshooting steps are- best per-formed by an ex-       determine if the service is right for you.
         pert.                                                     There are two key aspects of this business that
            One last suggestion, which will seem a bit like it is   appeal to me.
         corning out of left field. And this applies to owners      The first, is a business that charges
         with older computer hardware facing a repair cost      a fee. Too often ideas like this pop up online and
         approaching $300 or more: consider switching to an     fizzle out because the builders focused on build-ing
         iPad. That can be a better investment for long term    an audience instead of building a business.
         happiness.                                                And second, there is an reasonable escape hatch
              Watching A Charlie Brown Christmas has              the business does go away. Users should be able
         been a holiday tradition since my childhood, and       to down-load and preserve their creations. Neither
         this year it can only be viewed on AppleTV+. Does      the fee nor the download guar-antee long-term suc-
         this mean I have to buy an AppleTV?                    cess, but this is a service that I would recommend to
            A. Not necessarily. The name AppleTV applies to     my family.
         three different things: a hardware device that at-
         taches to your TV, an app that delivers a vari-ety of
         streaming channels, and a streaming service that
         delivers movies and television shows.
            The subscription streaming service is called Ap-
         pleTV Plus, usually writ-ten as AppleTV+.
         Confused yet? I know I am. Think of it this way, Ap-
         ple TV+ is a service that is available on many differ-
         ent devices, including AppleTV. But the AppleTV
         app can also be found on some smart TVs, stream-

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