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Here is the list of  two different site that offer a dis-  Welcome to 10 Minute Mail
         posable e-mail.
                                                      is a free, disposable e-mail service.
         10 Minute Mail                                        Your temporary e-mail address will expire after 10
                                                               minutes, after which you cannot access it. You can
         Why would you use this?                               extend the time by 10 minutes.

         Maybe you want to sign up for a stie which requires   The website you are registering with could be selling
         that you provide an e-mail address to send valida-    your personal information; you never know where
         tion e-mail to, And maybe you don’t want to give up   your e-mail will be published. An email address with a
         your real e-mail address and end up on a bunch of     10 minute lifespan is the best solution to prevent this.
         span list. This is a nice and disposable. And it’s
         FREE. Enjoy!                                

           “IS THIS THING ON?”

          By Herbert Adams

         Because of the pandemic, I've had a chance to
         search through my bookshelf and browse a few
         books in my collection that have been collecting
         dust. One in the case is the two books by Abby
         Stokes "Is This Thing On?"  Both are a friendly guide
         to everything digital for those Newbies and Technol-
                                                                 and share digital phones, the convenience and bargains
         ogies. I found it to be the perfect guide to the digital
                                                                 of online shopping, managing your finances online and
         domain for seniors learning how to use their com-
                                                                 how to watch movies, listen to music and read ebooks.
         puters, tablets, and smartphones. The latest version
                                                                 The best thing about all this new technology, it's almost
         was updated to explore the use of newer technolo-
                                                                 destructible, although it can get you into some predica-
         gy like Facebook, iPads, e-readers, and Skype. I ex-
                                                                 ment that you may need a helping hand to avoid.
         pected to be updated soon to include Facetime,
                                                                 I found while reading these books again, there were still
         Google Hangout, and Zoom. But either was some
                                                                 things for me to learn and things to refresh my
         seniors will have a fear of this new technology and
                                                                 knowledge of technology.
         will need a loving hand to get them through it.
                                                                 Both of these books are available in Kindle, Hardcover,
         The books include more than just computer infor-
                                                                 and Paperback versions on Amazon and you may find
         mation. Through the pages you will find tips to take
                                                                 used versions on eBay.

         March 2021                                          13
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