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Cord Control Stills and

                                                  Internet Data Removal

                                                   By Bob DeLaurentis

            Q. My grandson accidentally sent my laptop crash-   menu. I suggest starting with a quick trip to the VLC
         ing to the floor when his leg hooked around its pow-   application settings. There you can set a hotkey to
         er cord. Other than unplugging my new laptop when      give you precise control over triggering each snap-
         he visits, how do I tame the mess of cables that is    shot. You can customize the folder where the stills
         lurking around my computer table?                      are saved, and which file format is used. (PNG files
            A. I am sorry that this turned into such an expen-  are best.)
         sive lesson. The cords and wires that populate our        The quality of the images that result may disap-
         lives seem pretty much invisible until something       point you. Images that look fine as part of a video
         goes wrong. Product photography rarely shows           are not the same as frames from a still camera. Vid-
         wires of any kind. But in real life cables, cords, and   eo and still cameras are fundamentally different, and
         wires are everywhere.                                  so are the images they capture. That said, in my ex-
            There is a wide variety of techniques for detan-    perience the results can be good. With recent ad-
         gling cord clutter. Any web search for "cable man-     vancements in post-processing apps, it is even pos-
         agement" will return thousands of responses. It turns   sible to make a decent 8x10 print from a video still.
         out there are plenty of clever products for keeping
         wires under control.                                      Q. How can I remove my personal information from
            I keep a bag of Velcro straps handy that I use to   the internet?
         wrap up excess length cable into loops (never bend        A. Because information is so widely redistributed
         any cable sharply), or to tie several cables together   online, complete removal is probably impossible.
         in a single bundle. Besides Velcro straps, there are   However, there are several steps you can take that
         zippered pouches, plastic tubing, and good old fash-   will reduce your online footprint.
         ioned wire ties.                                          Step one is to delete any accounts on social' me-
         Another common fix is to mount a power strip to the    dia. Most companies do not erase deleted data, but
         desk (the underside works well) to keep power ca-      deleting the accounts makes them inaccessible to
         bles off the floor and out of the way.                 search engines and keeps people from finding or
            Cables that never change can be left alone once     accessing them. This works best when you simply
         they are placed, but cables that are frequently        want to withdraw from participation and remove the
         plugged and unplugged from a device require a dif-     bulk of what you have posted.
         ferent approach. One of my favorite cable manage-         In situations where you 'want to remove a specific
         ment tools is a weighted (or adhesive) clip that       piece of data, but you also wish to continue partici-
         keeps a cable from slipping behind a desk when it is   pating in social media, the choices are more difficult.
         disconnected from its device.                          You can try deleting the item in your account, but if it
         It might not be the most exciting. thing on your to-do   has been reposted by someone else it will remain
         list, but spending a little time moving your cables out   accessible.
         of harm's way is worth the effort.                        A last resort, mostly because of its cost, is a ser-
                                                                vice like
            Q. I have a lot of home videos on DVD. I want to
         grab still images from the video. Is it possible and
         where can I find such a device?
            A. Yes, it is possible, and you can use just about
         any personal computer. There are many paths to
         make this work. Probably the easiest method is to
         download a free app called VLC media player
         ( If the computer meets VLC's modest
         system requirements, and it can play a DVD, you will
         be good to go. (Note: because of copy protection,
         these instructions do not cover commercially pub-
         lished DVDs.)
         VLC can play just about any video format in exist-
         ence. And taking a still is as easy as playing the
         content and choosing "Snapshot" from the video

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