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Reset Windows, Text Chats,

                                               and Disk Space Utility

                                                   By Bob DeLaurentis

            Q. How do I make the text on my phone 1arger           The second is increasing contrast. This feature is
            A. The good news is that both iPhone and Android    more useful on iPhone because it changes things
         have system settings to make text larger, and many     like buttons and borders to make them more clearly
         apps support adjustable-size text based on these       defined. Android has a similar option, but it only ap-
         settings. The less good news is that these settings    plies to text.
         appear in multiple places, and they have different        Every year smartphones become smarter at adapt-
         effects. Read on for some general suggestions, but I   ing to us. And accessibility features are key to mak-
         encourage you to search the web for detailed advice    ing the most personal computing devices ever made
         about your specific device. Not all text on a phone is   even more personal.
         the same.                                                 Q. Can I use my smartphone like a magnifying
            On both iPhone and Android, open "Settings,” and    glass?
         open the “Accessibility" option, then look for a menu      A. Absolutely yes! I first wrote about this capability
         choice like "Font Size" or "Larger Text." These con-   on iPhone a few
         trols will get you started in the right direction.     years ago, but the feature has improved since then,
            On Android, text in the Chrome web browser has      and it has come to Android as well.
         its own control under the three-dot menu in the up-    The "Magnifier" app comes preinstalled on iPhones
         per right of the screen. Tap it, then tap "Settings"   and the "Lookout by Google" app is available from
         followed by "Accessibility" and "Font Scaling." On     the Google Play Store. Both apps have similar fea-
         Apple, the Safari text is small button next to the URL   tures.
         marked with "AA" that reveals a menu to change text       For iPhone users, this feature is as simple as acti-
         size.                                                  vating sin and saying, "open Magnifier." It can also
            One side effect of larger text is that other items on   be opened by tapping the Magnifier app in the utili-
         screen must adapt. Make the text too big, and other    ties folder or in the Control Center.
         screen elements might be pushed off the screen.        There is a slider at the bottom of the screen to adjust
         There is a balance to strike between readability and   the magnification. If you tap just above the slider, a
         usability. Once you find the correct size for you, the   tray will slide upward to reveal secondary. controls,
         experience of using your phone will be much more       which include a snapshot button, contrast and color
         comfortable.                                           adjustments, and a flashlight.
            Q. How can I make my phone screen easier to            Snapshots allow you to store a quick image, so
         see? Sometimes I cannot tell where I should tap.       you do not have to
            A. Modem smartphones are smart enough to ac-        hold the camera for more than a few seconds. This
         commodate our individual differences in several        is especially handy for grabbing images in awkward
         ways. Options range from increased in text size, to    to reach places. Use the two-finger zoom gesture to
         contrast and color refinements, to voice-based inter-  enlarge the parts the snapshot you wish to read.
         faces useable by people with severely impaired vi-        The Lookout app for Android is a gem. Alongside
         sion.                                                  the ability to magnify,
            All these options are managed in device             it 'has special modes for things like reading a docu-
         "Settings," grouped under a menu titled                ment aloud and deciphering nutrition labels.
         "Accessibility." There are a considerable number of
         choices under that menu. Simply knowing what they
         are and what they do is useful.
            In addition to text size adjustments, there are two
         other notable features worth exploring.
            The first is system-wide screen enlarging. It works
         like a zoom gesture on a photo, except that it magni-
         fies the entire screen. It takes practice to manage
         zooming along with screen taps and scrolling re-
         gions, but it can make a huge difference in usability.
         To enable it, look under "Accessibility" for an item
         called "Magnification" on Android and "Zoom" on

         Seeptember 2021                                      7
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