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October Members Helping Members Volume 30—Issue 7

How To Scan Photos for a Slideshow

Join us the world of scanning

October 05, 2013 check out this 3 part se-

Grayslake Public ries on the Presentation
Library from Impact blog.
12:00 to 3:00pm
for a discussion Top Scanning Tips:
on: 1. Do your research and
Identify get a quality, flat bed photo

scanner to do the job
Theft Chances are, if you’re made it easier and easi- right. Canon and HP both

creating a reunion or er to go from old and make high quality scan-
Presented by family history slideshow torn print to shiny, new
you may have to scan in digital image. ners that are decently
Michael Kastler old prints to get them
into a digital format to Below are a few tips to priced. This article also

use in your slideshow. get you started, for a has a great break-down of
Inside this issue: As much as this may
seem to be a daunting more in-depth look into (Continued on page 5)
Robins Ramblings 3
task, technology has

Birthdays and Recipe of 4
the Month
Blessing the iPads
ITunes Radio 5
As part of it ongoing integrity, and asked stu-
commitment to incorpo- dents to embrace the
Researching your 6 rate technology into the newer technology and
Jewish Heritage classroom, Lake commit themselves to
Forest’s Woodlands wisely use their iPads
LCACE Holiday Raffel 8
Academy of the Sacred as a force for good.
Heart for the first time is Head of the School lead
requiring each student the ending prayer of
to have an iPad this started, in its chapel of blessing and the stu-
school year. The school the Scared Hearts. Ad- dents sang a closing
headed a special com- ministrators and student hymn, Go Make a Differ-
missioning and blessing leaders reflected on Sa- ence.”
of the iPads, recently, cred Heart women for
one week after school their vision, courage and

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