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iTunes Radio
(Continued from page 1)
different scanners and a look into which one is

right for you.
Sandy Berger
2. Remove any dust from your photos and make

sure your scanner’s flat bed is free of dust and

3. Make sure your scanner’s settings are correct

for your needs. Some scanners have settings to Along with iOS 7 and new iPhones, Apple released a new service
scan documents that are far different than when called iTunes radio. It is not really new technology, but it is prety

you want to scan a photo. Make sure your settings cool.... and it's free.

are all in-line before you scan.
Just start iTunes on your computer and choose Radio or tap the
4. Scanner resolution is measured in dots per inch
Music icon on your mobile device and choose Radio from the
(dpi). More dots translate into a sharper image.
botom of the screen and you will be ready to listen to constant
Scan at 300dpi for the best quality and maximum

5. Your scanner’s software may have some built- iTunes radio works similarly to Pandora and other music services.
in photo editing and adjustment tools, which is You choose a song or a type of music or an artst and iTunes Radio

great. Try experimenting with sharpness, bright- will create a staton for you with similar music. If you use iTunes to

ness and other options to get the best looking digi- store your music, it is extremely easy to do. I chose a song called
tal image possible. "Lady" from my Litle River Band album. iTunes radio then present-

6. Name your photos with meaning if you can, this ed me with similar songs from other artsts.

will help you when you’re organizing for your
It was unbelievably accurate. You could hear the similarites in the
slideshow. If it’s a family histoAry slideshow you’re
music it chose. And, of course, you can purchase any song or album
creating, name the photos something like Ander-
you like. It's a great way to fnd new music and new artsts.

7. Develop a system to keep the ball rolling. If it The service is free with limited commercials. It you subscribe to

takes 5 steps to scan a photo, make sure you are iTunes Match for $24.99 a year, there are no commercials and all
completing them in order each time. Your work- of your music is copied to the Apple Cloud for playback from any

flow will go much faster and the task will be over device

before you know it.

Need some inspiration? Watch this wonder-

ful family history slideshow that showcases old
photos that have been scanned in to create a

beautiful new slideshow.

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