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Robin’s RAMblings

I have been attempting to use Win- The club provides turkey, ham, October 5, 2013-Identity Theft by
dows 8 for close to a month. I find rolls, pop, and coffee. Everyone Grayslake Police Detective Tim
it neither as good nor as bad as brings a dish to pass. Please think Warner
people have said it was. As a crea- healthy! Our LCACE cooks always
ture of habit, I was used to doing bring great food. Guests are ex- November 2, 2013-Photoshop Ele-
things in certain ways. No such pected to bring a dish to pass or ments – Tips and Tricks by J.J.
luck with Windows 8. I have, how- that you will bring enough extra Johnson
ever, found some workarounds. food for all of your guests. We do
Instead of taking the four steps that not want to run out of food. December 14, 2013-Holiday party
Windows 8 required to shut down at State Bank of the Lakes. Save
the computer, I now have an icon Everyone always has a fantastic the date!
on my desktop to shut it down in time at our party. Family and
one step. I have learned some friends are welcome to attend. January 4, 2014-Show and tell,
simple keyboard shortcuts to Please volunteer to help. and Ask the Gurus
speed up using Windows 8.
James Coates, the author of "Ask 2013 holiday raffle tickets will be February 2, 2014-2014-Acronis
Jim", the former Chicago Tribune available for sale at our October True Image Home-2014 webinar–
column, said years ago that key- 5th meeting. In addition to buying presented by Gene Barlow and
board shortcuts were much faster tickets for yourself, please plan to Nominations
than using a mouse. I heartily con- pick up tickets to sell. The person
cur. who sells the winning first prize March 1, 2014-Nominations
ticket and also the person who April, 2014-Elections-LCACE 31st
Most of the Windows 8 shortcuts I sells the most tickets will receive anniversary party
use frequently involve using the prizes at the holiday party. Happy computing!
Windows key to start programs on
my taskbar. Despite having a We have terrific raffle prizes. First
touch screen computer, I find it is prize is a 17" Toshiba laptop with Tired of being called
much faster to use shortcuts. To 6GB of memory, a 640GB hard
get to the desktop, I hit Windows drive, and 2 USB 3.0 ports. Some by
key + d; for the start screen, hit the lucky person will take home sec- solicitors? All your
Windows key; for the charms ond prize, a new white 16GB iPad
menu, Windows +c. Google key- with WiFi Retina display. Third name to the
board shortcuts and/or Windows 8 prize is a Kindle Fire HD 3G with
keyboard shortcuts, and you will special offers. Our fourth prize
find long lists of them. winner will receive a year's free National
LCACE membership. Do Not Call
It's that time of year again. The
warm, sunny days of summer are Tickets are $1 each, 6 for $5, and Registry.
over and there is a chill in the air. 25 for $20. Remember, you can't
It's hard to believe, but the holi- win if you don't buy a ticket! Win-
days will be here soon. This year's ners need not be present so plan Call: 888-382-1222
LCACE holiday party will be Satur- to sell tickets to out of town family J.J.
day, December 14, at State Bank and friends.
of the Lakes, 50 Commerce Drive, We have exciting programs sched-
Grayslake. uled for 2013-2014:

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