Page 6 - index
P. 6

Special Interest Group

Of the month

Food SIG meets after every meeting. Where we go is picked by

the majority of the people attending. Its always fun, and all are

Software Review: family member or friend’s birthday by a remind-
er popping up. I used to feel bad when I over-
looked someone, especially a youngster.
Alarm ++
The software is perpetual in that you can have
reminders (alarms) appear when scheduled for
as long as you wish. An alarm will appear and
launch a program on a specified date/time. For
example, I have an alarm for the STUG TNT
(Tips ‘N Tricks) page.
By Marshall K. DuBois, Webmaster, Sarasota
Technology User Group, FL The alarm appears on screen and in the back-
April 2016 issue, STUG Monitor ground it opens the “Interesting Internet Finds” in my web browser which eliminates the need
webmaster (at) to hunt for a URL each week.

This is a great reminder program which will help I could go on and on. Below is a short list of my
you remember many things you usually forget. favorite alarms. I have been using this product

Every day I rely on this little gem. Think of some-
thing in your home that you value, is small and
generally goes unnoticed until you discover its ab-
sence. I am really glad when I’m reminded of a (Continued on page 7)

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