Page 10 - index
P. 10

(Continued from page 9)
chance to do so before end of January 2016 — just
click "Keep your free storage" at this link (https:// and sign in to your 2016
Microsoft account to activate such free storage.
Once activated, your account will not be affected by
the upcoming storage changes.
Meeting Schedule
If you have an ad-additional "loyalty bonus" of 10GB
in your account, this bonus won't go away with the
changes as con-firmed by Douglas Pearce, Mi-
crosoft's Group Program Manager for OneDrive in
his tweet. January 9th

Microsoft has been changing the free storage quota February 13th
since its launch of the service and here is a bit of the March 19th
history. In 2012, Microsoft reduced the free storage
from 25GB to 7GB in SkyDrive (now known as April 16th
OneDrive) while existing users were offered a free
upgrade to retain the 25GB free storage. In 2014, May 14th
the default free storage of 7GB increased to 15GB.
Users who had the old 25GB of free space will notice June 11th
a split of storage in-to 15GB free and 10GB labelled
as "loyalty bonus". December 3rd

If you've activated camera roll back-up on a mobile Liz Barnett and I met with Linda Hartmann, the
device, you will also get an additional 15GB free Grayslake Facility Manager at State Bank of the
storage as "camera roll bonus" while still available. Lakes, in November and reserved their meeting
room for Saturday, December 3, 2016 for our 2016
Holiday party.

DeBorah Sirilla and I have been talking about July
16th or 23rd for our picnic; unless we hear from
someone else about hosting the picnic, she will be
requesting one of those dates from the Vernon Hills
SENIOR MOMENTS Park District as soon as they open their 2016 reser-
vations in early January.

Popping a handful of nuts into your Happy New Year!
mouth without realizing you haven’t
put in your dentures. Phil

Windows 8.1 ways of working on a computer and the access to
information used by tablets and smart phones. The

Downloading, Purchasing and distribution of apps that perform individual tasks is
one of the ways.
Installing Apps
In additions to apps that come with the operating
system, Microsoft has created a store for apps dis-
By Rosita Herrick, Director, Sarasota Technology tribution.
User Group, FL The Store App
Rosita (at) The Store app can be found either on the Start
screen or on the Task bar.
In addition to being a computer operating system,
Windows 8.1 is blurring the line between the old

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