Page 9 - index
P. 9
perfect for their black and white coats. Other
The Forgotten Island – images showed them standing proudly with
Birds and Wildlife their heads held high. They appeared to be
huddled together in some images. What could
they be communicating? Joining the group
were emperor penguins, the tallest penguin.
(DVD Review by Marie Caviness) The cutest of all were the royal penguins.
Their golden crested heads were so unique.
At the August meeting, I of- While all the penguin action was going on the
fered to review this DVD be- seals continued their lounging on the shore.
cause the titled intrigued me. Every once in a while, there would appear a
After getting it home, I picture of one swimming in the water or joining
promptly put it aside and al- up with a friend for what might be conversation.
most forgot about it. But on a
cloudy Saturday morning, I Various artic birds such as albatross, gulls and
thought now is the time to go terns shared the space with the wildlife. The
for it. cold seemed to be what brought everyone to-
Into my computer went the DVD. Soon images
of colorful birds and wildlife flashed across my As an image of a seal enjoying the warmth of
screen accompanied by the sounds of wonderful the sun appeared on the screen, the ending
classical music. No words were spoken notes of the classical piece accompanying it
throughout the DVD. One only had to take time concluded this wonderful DVD. Sitting back in
to enjoy these spectacular images and listen to my chair, I could recall the beauty of the birds
the music. I settled in and began my journey to and wildlife in South Georgia Island.
“The Forgotten Island.”
Actually, the journey was taken by Sanford
Apseloff, Photographer, in 2013. He took a 4-
day boat trip from the tip of South America to
the South Georgia Island. My curiosity was
peaked about its whereabouts. Wikipedia told
me that the Island is a very remote place. The
winters are cold and the blowing winds add to
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gold on the side of their heads seemed to be (Continued on page 10)