Page 5 - index
P. 5

(Continued from page 4) columns of text, so I decided to look into
Judy Dunham won the 50/50 raffle, the club and what was available now. The VuPoint Mag-
William each receiving $16.00. Congratulations ic Wand hand scanner($99) started pop-
to all winners! ping up here and there. For $99 I hoped it
would make the new Great Compromise.
Thanks to Linda Busch (coffee) and Phil Bock
(stuffed croissants) who provided refreshments. The VuPoint Magic Wand has two buttons
on the top that allows you to choose be-
This month's program was "Smart phones, Part tween color or black and whites and 300 or
1" by Phil Bock. Thanks for your excellent 600 DIP scan. It is powered by two Aa bat-
slides and narration, Phil. teries. I scans to a microSD card. The on/
off switch and start/scan switch (one switch
Another great meeting, and I hope to see you at doing two jobs) is also on the top of the
our March 19 meeting. scanner. An LCD screen gives you indica-
tion of the number of scans you’ve per-
formed, and the mode and resolution cho-
sen. Two LEDs indicate when a scan is in
progress and if an error during the scan
VuPoint Magic Wand Scanner was detected.
The wand also comes with ABBY Screen
by Gypsy D’Katz Shot OCR software. This software has
been around for a while, and does a decent
Have you even wanted to make a copy of some- job of converting your scanned image into
thing and wish you text which you
had a copier scanner can then convert
available? When the it to PDF format.
you may want to con-
sider the VuPoint The scanning pro-
Magic Wand Scanner. cess is pretty
I have a Epson desk- straight forward,
top scanner, but it just just turn the Mag-
won’t fit into my carry ic Wand on with
to work bag, and I the on/off button
have come across for a few seconds
several phone and until it turns on;
tablet apps that allow then press the on/
you to scan pages, off button again to
but after several at- start a scan, do
tempts of trying to get the scan, then
the right focus and turn the on/off
angle my enthusiasm button again to
faded. Plus, it requires stop the
you to search through scan. The LED
your phone or tablet keeps you in-
to find the app that formed or the
allows you to scan, number of scans
and I have so many on my phone I don’t know if you have on the microSD card and if the
it scans pages or barcodes. ERR LED lights up, you know your scan
was not successful
I also spent some time looking through several
DIY book reader web sites and while those de- The VuPoint Magic Scan sells from about
vices could speed up the scanning time, building $99, and can be purchase at your local
such a contraption is out of my technical skills Walmart or online. If you are in the market
and patience level. for a full page hand scanner, VuPoint also
I remember back in the Atari Days, there was a makes a smaller 40-column scanner.
little hand scanner made which would scan 40-

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