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Freebies! somewhere. The good news is that you can

configure the privacy settings in Win 10 to con-
trol how and what the system looks at when
By Dave Bilcik, member, Southern Tier Personal Com- the operating system is in use. Website
puter Club, NY has a complementary e-book
January 2016 issue, Rare Bits “Preserving Your Privacy in Windows 10” at
dlbilcik (at)
p=w_wini02, where you can download the e-
It’s that time of year again. The past year is book and find out how to limit Win 10’s infor-
done and gone and a brand new year is here. mation gathering on how you use your system.
Are you ready with all your heartfelt resolutions Make informed decisions about your system,
for this pristine year full of exciting possibili- the information it generates and how that infor-
ties? Me neither. Will you be honest and re- mation is shared. If you do go the
solve to lose the same 15 pounds you gained site, check out all the other free industry relat-
and lost last year? How about getting one year ed material that they carry on the site after you
older by the end of the year (this one we can download your Win 10 e-book. You may also
all keep). January 22 is the date my odometer find some industry specific publications that
turns over one more time so if you want to get will be useful to you in your current job.
me something for the old birthday, Federal Re- Start the new year out right by protecting your
serve Notes ending in "0" are always nice. PC properly. Gizmo’s Freeware had a recent
Take the opportunity for some new experienc- update on the “Best Free Antivirus Software.”
es (even humble ones) that will make this year For the full article and relevant links go
memorable for the next January 1. If you can’t to...
do something better, at least try different anti-virus-software.htm. The short answers to
(different works almost as well) in your new which are the best are “Comodo Anti-virus”
year. At worst you won’t be bored and at best and “Avast! Free Anti-virus”. The long answer
you won’t be boring. Don’t be discouraged, not is to read the entire article and consider the
everyone can live the high adventure of writing strengths and weaknesses of all the products
“the” Freebies column. on the page first before pulling that download
trigger. Make the decision considering you and
Proper nutrition in the new year can be useful, your system in the mix. Research first, then go.
especially after you finished off the last of the Are your e-mails important to you? If they are
Christmas cookies, but you first have to know then you need this next Freebie “Mailstore
what “proper” is. Freebies is here to help. Home.” It is an e-mail archiver and search utili-
Health Sciences Academy has a free starter ty that works with Windows versions XP SP3
nutrition course that is informative and gives up through Win10. You can send and reply
you some new (at least to you) ideas about from the archive with your usual e-mail pro-
what you stuff in your face on a daily basis. gram and upload from it if necessary. Get your
Who knows, you may find out you are in great e-mail on a USB drive or an external hard-
shape nutritionally (or not). Good or bad, head drive. If your drive goes south your e-mail cor-
over to respondence and work product is safe; or if
registrationfree-starter-nutrition-course/ to reg- your web-based account is hacked, you will
ister for your free course materials. You can still have your e-mails (even the silly ones).
start making small changes now that will make See
for a healthier new year. Do it now, the buy-in home-email-archiving.aspx for details and the
is free. Look down and see your feet in 2016 download link for the latest version. Do you
(2017?)! know where your e-mails are in the new year?
Win 10 has stirred up some controversy about My personal e-mail address is
user privacy. One camp thinks that it is a major if you want to send me
step forward in user convenience in trying to comments, questions or cash. Please put
enhance the “user-experience” by tracking and “Freebies” somewhere on the subject line so I
anticipating what the user wants in their use of will have some idea about its contents. Tell us
the system. The other group (some say slightly about your best free software experience or
more paranoid) thinks that Win 10 is a glorified the best new years’ celebrations (the ones you
keystroke logger dressed up as an operating can remember) ever and I will pass it on. Hap-
system. The truth is probably in the middle py New Year!

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