Page 10 - index
P. 10

· OK Google lets you do things like Technical
search, get directions, and create re-
minders. For example “OK Google do I
need an umbrella” to see if there is rain Support
in the weather forecast. To use “OK
Google”, make sure you have the lat-
est Google Search App and turn on
“OK Google detection” in settings. Find Your Tech Support

· Cortana is an App with which you can Match
use your voice to make a call, send a By Nancy DeMarte, 1st Vice President, Sarasota Tech-
text message, search the web, or open nology User Group, FL
another App. Cortana can help you: May 2016 issue, Sarasota Technology Monitor
schedule a meeting, set a reminder, ndemarte (at)
get up-to-date weather or traffic.(Note:
you need a Microsoft account to use We all run into occasional problems with our
Cortana.)“Hey Cortana” seems to be computers and digital devices. Finding the so-
tied to the “Notebook”, and thus is set- lution can be a nightmare, especially if the
up in the Notebook-Settings, which problem is unique or you are not fluent in tech
may not be obvious. (You get to the terms. There is a wealth of support available,
Notebook-Settings by clicking in the but it’s a matter of finding the right kind of help
search bar on the Taskbar, then se- to fit your kind of problem and your learning
lecting Notebook [the square icon un- style. Let’s take a look at some of the popular
der the home icon], and finally Set- support options and the kind of people who
tings.) might benefit most from them.

· Alexa is the name of Amazon’s assis-
tant that comes with the Amazon Echo.
Echo is a wireless speaker and voice Good options for people who learn best by
command device. The device consists reading:
of a 9.25-inch tall cylinder speaker with Website support: A visit to the website
a seven-piece microphone array. most closely related to your problem can often
“Alexa”, the “wake word” is always on give you the answers you need, even if your
and can be changed by the user to ei- device is past warranty. If your computer isn’t
ther “Amazon” or “Echo”. The device is working properly, for example, or you need to
capable of voice interaction, music update drivers, you can go to the website of
playback, making to-do lists, setting the computer’s manufacturer and search its
alarms, streaming podcasts, playing Support pages. If you need help understand-
audio books, and providing weather, ing how to use a certain feature of your de-
traffic and other real time information. vice, you can go to the manufacturer’s site
It can also control several smart devic- and download a User Manual for your model.
es. Echo requires a Wi-Fi internet con- Or you can try the Frequently Asked Ques-
nection in order to work. The Echo tions list (FAQ). These are questions most
must be plugged in to operate since it commonly asked about the product with an-
has no internal battery. swers by support professionals. Most large
If these personal digital assistants are suc- sites also have Discussion forums where you
cessful, many more may show up. I just read can post a question or search through ques-
that the company that brought us the Sound- tions on your topic and find answers.
Hound App also has a personal assistant
called Hound that they hope to embed in oth- Google it: Some people say that whenever
er applications so that those Apps can be they have a tech problem, they type it into the
voice controlled. Imagine setting up an Uber Google search box and often find the answer.
ride by voice. (If you will recall, SoundHound This approach is fine if you can sum up your
is like the Shazam App, just hum a tune and it issue accurately and choose the right website.
will tell you the tune’s name.) With all these Be aware that not all independent blogs or
personal assistants around, we certainly will tech help sites have correct information. And
never have to feel lonely.

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