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check out. Here are just a few of them. If you Link to Your Android Phone
haven’t yet downloaded this new upgrade,
check out my article on How to Get the Win- If you have an Android phone you will now be
dows 10 Anniversary Edition. able to install an app for Microsoft’s Cortana
on your phone. This will give you the ability to
The Edge Browser get your phone’s notifications and text mes-
sage alerts on your Windows 10 PC. You will
The Edge Browser has come of age. This An- even be able to respond to text messages that
niversary Update has a lot of positive changes were sent to your phone right from your PC.
for the Edge browser It is finally getting With this addition and other changes, the little-
browser extensions, a feature that has been used Windows 10 Action Center (Notifications)
available in other browsers for years. Exten- will become much more useful. It is even more
sions are small add-on utility programs that accessible since it has been moved to the bot-
allow you to customize your browser giving it tom of the screen. Just click the badge to the
additional capabilities. You can find the Edge right of the clock to see it. Hopefully this is
extensions in the Microsoft Store and can eas- coming soon to the iPhone too.
ily add them to the browser. If you use ser-
vices like LastPass, Pocket, Amazon and oth- Cortana
ers, this will be something you will want to
look into. Cortana, Microsoft’s digital voice assistant has
gained a lot of power. You can now ask Corta-
na questions, have her play music and set re-
Biometric Identification minders right from the Lock Screen before you
even log into the computer. Once you log in
If you hate passwords, we are getting one you can have her launch programs and apps,
step closer to getting rid of them with this ver- dictate email, and much more.
sion of Windows 10. Windows Hello which is
built into Windows 10, will now allow you use This and a whole lot more!! Be sure to check it
facial, iris and fingerprint recognition to login out and let me know what you think!
to the computer and/or purchase apps and
games in the Windows Store. You can also
use your biometric identity to log into services
like Dropbox and iHeartRadio. Windows Hello
will also work in the Microsoft Edge browser,
so websites and online shopping stores will
soon be able to use face, fingerprint and iris
recognition, too. USAA banking is one of the
first to support this, but many more apps and
services are sure to use this as time goes on.

You will need a fingerprint reader and/or spe-
cial camera on your computer or a computer
with the proper hardware support to use Win-
dows Hello, but if you hate passwords, this
may be a good investment. There are not too
many of these in the marketplace yet, but they
are coming.

Ink with a Touch Screen

With this Anniversary Edition, Microsoft has
also released a new feature called “Ink”. This
will make using a digital pen on a touch-
screen much easier and will also make it more

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