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Acronis True Sad story with a

Image 2017 (kind of) happy ending

Robin B. Seidenberg
G ene and Linda Barlow from Acronis User
Group Relations have recently announce Acro- One day at the end of June I was helping
nis just announced Acronis True Image my husband by scanning a bunch of docu-
2017, the fastest and most ments so they could be sent to Dropbox. I
powerful version of True Im- was not near my computer. All of a sudden,
age ever. This release is 60% my computer turned itself off. When it
faster and more than three turned back on, it had Windows 8.1 on it. I
times faster than the nearest had intentionally stayed with Windows 8 so
competitor. Not only is the I wouldn’t have to get Windows 10. Evident-
new True Image fast, but over ly Big Brother Bill (Gates) had other ideas.
50 new features have been
added to this release. This is When I tried to open a bunch of recent doc-
a new version that all end- uments, they were all corrupted. Fortunate-
users will want to have on ly I had saved them to OneDrive so my
their computers and devices. work was not lost. At that point the tech I
was working with said I would have to in-
Acronis True Image 2017 has over 50 news fea- stall Windows 10. What a nightmare! I
tures including the following: would be looking at my computer, and all of
· Wireless mobile device backup to Win- a sudden the screen would go black for a
dows Computer allows you to back up minute or so. Since my computer was an all
unlimited number of iPhone, iPads and in one, there was no way to replace just the
Android mobile devices to your computer. screen.
· Remote backup managements protect all
computers and help family members with Fast forward a month. No matter what was
protecting theirs, even from far away. In- tried, my computer was in BAD shape. For-
cremental tunately, when I bought my computer from
· Facebook backup automatically backs up Costco, I bought a Square Trade warranty.
all you Facebook account content. Three weeks before the end of my three
· Archiving to the cloud or external storage year warranty, they refunded the entire pur-
devices will free up disk space by moving chase price of the computer. They didn’t
large or rarely used files from your Win- pay the sales tax or the cost of the warran-
dow computer to an external drive. ty, but the money they sent paid for my new
· Powerful New Search lets you search for computer (an even larger all in one).
specific files in your backups for fast re-
covery. The moral of this story is that I highly rec-
Acronis Ture Image 2017 has many additional ommend Costco because of their tech sup-
new features, such as search in local and Cloud port and the availability of extended Square
backups, encryption for archives, comments for Trade warranties. Their Square Trade war-
backups, Windows Explorer integration, a re- ranties are significantly cheaper than else-
freshed touch-friendly user interface on IOS and where because Costco automatically gives
Android devices and much more. you an extra year of warranty above and
You can order Acronis Ture Image at the User beyond the manufacturer’s one year war-
Group Price of $25 from their website. ranty.

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