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(Continued from page 7) emails (such as Gmail) may ask you what your oth-
The Mobile Link feature allows the user to move er email address is and automatically bring your
between desktop and mobile device, picking up contact list and forward any emails from your old
where something was left off. address to your new address. They want your
email business. But if your address book is not
A mobile app allows for creating, editing, comment- copied over for you then you will have to do it your-
ing, and signing documents directly from a mobile self. By all means “ask Google” how to do it. For
device. It can also scan documents captured with example, ask Google “How do I get my AOL ad-
camera and convert them to digital, editable forms dress book to my Gmail contacts?” What you will
that may be signed. most likely have to do is to create a file of your ad-
dress book by “exporting” it and giving it a file
Lastly, a document management and control ser- name, then copying that file by “importing” it into
vice allows the user to manage, track, and control your new email. After you do this you need to ex-
documents. Visibility is provided as to where critical amine your entire address book, name by name, to
documents are along their process, including who see that all the data was copied correctly. You will
has opened them and when. Lastly, sensitive infor- probably have some editing to do to straighten
mation may be protected inside and outside the things out. For example, some phone numbers
firewall for business or personal use. may not have been copied over or a nickname may
have been placed as the last name, etc.

Next it is helpful to have all your old email
“forwarded” to your new email address. This way
Back to Basics you do not have to hurry to notify everyone on your
list that you have a new email. If this is not possi-
ble, you may have to go into your old email and
actually forward those important emails to your
new email. From now on, only use your new email
Changing to another Email Finally, send a nice email to everyone telling them

Service your new email address. It also is essential that
By Jim Cerny, Chairman, Forums Committee, Sar- you read the “help” or “options” for your new email
so that you are aware of how to create new email
asota Technology UG, Florida folders, sort your emails, find emails, etc. Although
June 2016 issue, Sarasota Technology Monitor every email can do these basic functions, how it is done may be different on different emails. And if
jimcerny123 (at) you are converting to Gmail, be sure to check out
the many apps that are available to you with your
Almost all computer users use email – and you Gmail account ID. Now you are ready to enjoy us-
are one of them, right? Have you ever had to ing your new email.
change your email address or change to another
email provider? Recently here in Florida (and I One word of caution -- what if you have used your
hear in Texas and California as well) our internet email address to establish accounts with various
provider Verizon has been taken over by Frontier. on-line businesses or services? Movie channels,
As a result of this, EVERYONE had to change banking, club memberships, etc. may be using
from Verizon to AOL for their email. Fortunately your OLD email address as your account ID. Unfor-
their Verizon email address will continue to be ac- tunately, all of these accounts must be changed to
cepted by AOL (for now). The purpose of this arti- your new email ID. This may entail you having to
cle is to help you understand what steps are need- enter all new passwords for all these accounts as
ed to change to another email. I do recommend well. This can be a real pain if you have many ac-
Gmail because it comes with several other tools counts, but there is really no other way around this,
provided by Google and you most likely will never sorry. Be sure to write down ALL your IDs and
have to change to another email address. passwords for EVERY service or app which re-
quires an account.
Your first task is to go to the website and establish
a new email account -- that is get your new email Good luck and please don’t forget to Ask Google
address and password. Please write it down and anything about your email. You will find very helpful
do not lose it! Once you have your new email ID instructions and videos to guide you. Now here’s
your major concerns are forwarding your old hoping that you will never have to change your
emails to your new email address, getting your email address again!
address book (or contact list) to your new email
and to notify everyone of your new address. Some

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