Page 10 - index
P. 10
Here are some descriptions (and advertise- plugged in to operate since it has no
ments) found for each of these Voice Recog- internal battery.
nition & Control Apps.
If these personal digital assistants are suc-
Siri (Speech Interpretation and Recog- cessful, many more may show up. I just read
nition Interface) is a computer program that the company that brought us the Sound-
that works as an “intelligent personal Hound App also has a personal assistant
assistant” and “knowledge navigator”, called Hound that they hope to embed in oth-
according to Wikipedia. “The software er applications so that those Apps can be
adapts to the user’s individual lan- voice controlled. Imagine setting up an Uber
guage usage and individual searches ride by voice. (If you will recall, SoundHound
with continuing use, and returns results is like the Shazam App, just hum a tune and it
that are individualized”, also from Wik- will tell you the tune’s name.) With all these
ipedia. “Hey Siri” is the wake phrase, personal assistants around, we certainly will
which can be turned on or off. never have to feel lonely.
OK Google lets you do things like
search, get directions, and create re-
minders. For example “OK Google do I
need an umbrella” to see if there is rain (Continued from page 9)
in the weather forecast. To use “OK through Zelda, Donkey Kong and the rest.
Google”, make sure you have the latest
Google Search App and turn on “OK 1982 brought forth development from another
Google detection” in settings. direction; sports training. Devices appeared
Cortana is an App with which you can that monitored the athlete's heart rate.
use your voice to make a call, send a
text message, search the web, or open In 1999 stationary bikes with monitoring and
another App. Cortana can help you: visual feedback were popular.
schedule a meeting, set a reminder,
get up-to-date weather or traffic.(Note: GPS technology came to the masses in the
you need a Microsoft account to use year 2000 when it was released for public use.
Cortana.)“Hey Cortana” seems to be Now there was an earth wide means of track-
tied to the “Notebook”, and thus is set- ing movement.
up in the Notebook-Settings, which
may not be obvious. (You get to the A 3D accelerometer was developed in 2003
Notebook-Settings by clicking in the which allowed technicians to measure move-
search bar on the Taskbar, then select- ment in all three directions: up, down, left and
ing Notebook [the square icon under right, forward and backwards.
the home icon], and finally Settings.) Take the mixture of all of these changes from
Alexa is the name of Amazon’s assis- 1921 to 2003, and a company was able put all
tant that comes with the Amazon Echo. of these functions into a small wearable size in
Echo is a wireless speaker and voice 2008, Fitbit
command device. The device consists
of a 9.25-inch tall cylinder speaker with The new models of Fitbit now monitor your
a seven-piece microphone array. heart rate, and sleep. All these functions de-
“Alexa”, the “wake word” is always on signed to motivate us to a more healthy life-
and can be changed by the user to ei- style with the means to monitor our goals in
ther “Amazon” or “Echo”. The device is the device and online. James Park and Eric
capable of voice interaction, music Freidmen were the creators of Fitbit. It is so
playback, making to-do lists, setting popular that there are competitors in the mar-
alarms, streaming podcasts, playing ketplace from Apple, Android and Garmin.
audio books, and providing weather,
traffic and other real time information. It In 2015 Fitbit was encouraged to issue an IPO
can also control several smart devices. and it is now worth around $3.7 billion. And
Echo requires a Wi-Fi internet connec- Park is now #29 on the list of those 40 or un-
tion in order to work. The Echo must be
(Continued on page 11)