Page 7 - index
P. 7

(Continued from page 3) Finally, although this is hardly a new subject,
books to make further inroads into the laptop it appears that cyber-warfare by nation-states
market. (Chromebooks have already passed and criminal hacking for dollars is continuing
Apple computers in terms of annual sales; to expand in both volume and complexity.
tech writers felt that the addition of Android This has negative implications for us as
apps would make Chromebooks much tougher American citizens and as individuals trying to
protect our personal information and finances.
competitors for Windows PCs in the future.) This should be a priority for us all in 2017, so
Here is a link to an article which addresses that we can participate effectively in national
this very point: discussions about cyber-security counter-
measures while also keeping our personal information and money safe from those who
chromebook-android-trouble-for- are trying to target us.

However, given Google’s struggles with the “We spend January 1st walking
transition, it appears that the threat to Win- through our lives, room by room,
dows PCs is not as imminent as originally
thought. Moreover, Microsoft is continuing to drawing up a list of work to be
adapt Windows 10 to run on new and different done, cracks to be patched. Maybe
hardware. Recently, the technology press has this year, to balance the list, we
reported that Microsoft has compiled Windows ought to walk through the rooms of
10 to run successfully on ARM processors, our lives… not looking for flaws, but
specifically new Snapdragon models from for potential.” - Ellen Goodman
Qualcomm. While at this time there is no seri-
ous talk of introducing laptop PCs running
Snapdragon processors, this does provide an
avenue for users to run full Windows 10 on
smart phones and tablets which contain these
processors. There is speculation that it would
not be a reach for Microsoft and Qualcomm to Meeting Dates
work with PC manufacturers to develop low-
cost laptop PCs to compete head-to-head with
Chromebooks running Android apps. Here is  January 7, 2017 TBD
a link to a recent article describing this new  February 11, 2017 TBD
Microsoft initiative:  March 11, 2017 TBD
 April 15, 2017 TBD  December 9, 2017 Holiday Party
and-might-win Note: January and April are not on
the second Saturday.

APCUG itself is not a user group; only
user groups themselves are members.
APCUG’s product and service are offered to
group leaders, who can then share them
with their members.

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