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P. 10
and that it is included in our GoogleGroups
(Continued from page 3)
2017. I’m sure we will see more news as the roster.
year progresses. Stay warm!
Speaking of Windows 10, many of us have
seen complaints and discussion about the
perceived push by Microsoft to convert those
who are still using older versions of Windows
to Windows 10. Recently, various Microsoft
spokespersons have issued vague warnings
about the supposed vulnerability of Windows
7 to malware and other exploits, even though
Microsoft has promised to provide security
updates for Win 7 until 2020. Other tech
writers have discounted these warnings as a
poorly-concealed effort to stampede Win 7
users to Windows 10.
Given all the chatter, it might be interesting
to view the current distribution of OS soft-
ware across all PCs. Here is a link to a re-
cent graphic that does just that: https://
As you will see if you follow this link, current
Windows 7 operating system installations
outnumber Windows 10 operating system
installations by a ratio of 2:1!
Finally, online reporting confirms that the bad
guys are becoming more and more sophisti- Meeting Dates
cated in their phishing and other malware
exploits. I have been sending out Goog- February 11, 2017 Microsoft Word
leGroups emails to club members sharing March 11, 2017 TBD
specific information about these develop- April 15, 2017 Elections
ments, from Tech newsletters to which I sub- December 9, 2017 Holiday Party
scribe. In the past month I have sent out at
least five such GoogleGroups emails. If you Note: January and April are not on
have not received them, please follow up the second Saturday.
with J.J. at to be
sure that he has your current email address
APCUG itself is not a user group; only
user groups themselves are members.
APCUG’s product and service are offered to
group leaders, who can then share them
with their members.