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VOLUME 34-02 May 2017 LCACE.ORG
Recover, restore, backup, clone, image?
By Carol Picard, Editor / Webmaster, Midland puter, search for recovery, click Create a re-
Computer Club, MI covery drive. Follow the prompts to create
February 2017 issue, Bits and Bytes the drive. Make sure “Back up system files to the recovery drive” is selected. The minimum
capmidmi (at) size of flash drive needed will be indicated.
At our January club meeting we discussed A flash drive has less usable space than the
how to recover in case of hard drive failure, amount of space indicated on the label, so, if
virus, or if Windows won’t start. it indicates 16Gb needed, you will actually
need a 32Gb flash drive. It could take an
The most important steps for recovery need to hour or more to create the recovery drive.
be completed before a problem occurs. During the process, you will see a prompt to
First step is to create a recovery drive. De- “Delete the recovery partition from your PC”.
pending on the computer, this could require a
16Gb or 32Gb flash drive. My suggestion is to Do not click that option, so you still have the
use a 32 Gb flash drive. Everything on the ability to run recovery from the hard drive.
flash drive will be deleted and you cannot use Make sure you get the message that the re-
the drive for anything else. Well-known covery drive was successfully created. If not,
brands, 32 Gb flash drives, were recently on try again. After safely removing the flash
sale for less than $10.00. drive, label it and store it in a safe place. The
flash drive is bootable. When you need to
To create a recovery drive on a Windows 10 use it, insert it in the computer, turn on the
computer, connect the flash drive to the com- computer, and it should automatically boot
from the flash drive. However, depending on
The lecture on May 20, the computer, you may have to access
startup or bios options to boot from the flash
2017 will be given by one drive.
of our members, Mike The recovery drive offers more than one re-
Andrews. The subject covery option. Depending on what is wrong
for that day will be Home with the computer, you may be able to save
personal files, or may only be able to rein-
Automation-Security Cam- stall the Windows operating system and any
programs that were installed by the manu-
eras. I am sure you will all
enjoy this one. (Continued on page 7)