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VOLUME  34-06                                       September 2017                                                     LCACE.ORG

          President's Corner                                    zon’s Echo and Google’s Home Assistant pro-
          By Greg Skalka, President, Under the Comput-          vide  information  and  control  anywhere  your
          er Hood UG, CA                                        voice  can  be  heard.  Lights,  camera,  action  -
          February 2017 issue, Drive Light                      home control and alarm systems control lights
 / president (at)              and  appliances,  allow  remote  monitoring  and
                                                                signal when security has been breached. Even
          It seems we have more and more technology             the laundry room gets into the act with efficient
          available in the products we buy. Almost every-       washers  and  dryers  with  sophisticated  fea-
          thing is getting networked these days, and the        tures.  With  so  much  electronics  in  a  modern
          categories  of  products  where  electronics  now     automobile,  you  might  have  as  many  proces-
          play  a  major  part  continue  to  increase.  This   sors in your garage as in the rest of the house.
          has expanded the number of places to get tech
          far beyond the traditional sources of a decade        With all this technology spread throughout the
          ago.  A  lot  of  stores  that used  to  be  the  tradi-  items in your home, practically every store has
          tional  sources  for  computers  and  technology      had to become a technology store. Home im-
          have gone away, while a lot more shopping for         provement stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s
          the devices we need is done online.                   are now much more than lumber yards; since
                                                                they sell so many smart appliances and smart
          It  seems  you  can’t  swing  an  HDMI  cable  in     home  devices,  their  employees  have  to  know
          practically any room in the typical house these       more  than  just  nails  and  screws.  The  trick  is
          days (including the garage and often the back         getting good tech advice from all those diverse
          yard) without hitting something containing elec-      stores  that  now  sell  smart  stuff.  You  can  ex-
          tronics. Never mind the TVs, computers, game          pect  the  Sprint,  Verizon  and  ATT  stores  to
          systems, tablets and phones - electronics and         have  tech-savvy  employees,  but  what  about
          connectivity have worked their way into almost        Walmart,  Target,  Costco,  Ace  Hardware  and
          every device and appliance you see. Practical-        O’Reilly Auto Parts?
          ly every kitchen appliance has the strong pos-
          sibility of being connected to the Internet, con-     Ghosts of Tech Stores Past
          trolled by a timer or digitally enhanced. Refrig-
          erators,  microwaves,  stoves  and  dishwashers       A few decades ago, there were specific places
          are now loaded with tech. Even the lowly meat         to go to get high tech items, places like Radi-
          thermometer has gone digital.                         oShack,  CompUSA  and  Fry’s  Electronics.
          Digital  thermostats  keep  the  house  tempera-      There  used  to  be  lots  of  small  independent
          ture  comfortable  while  saving  energy.  Wi-Fi      computer  stores  in  San  Diego,  mostly  in  the
          reaches  into  every  corner  of  the  house  and     Kearny Mesa area. Maybe it was the decline of
          even out onto the patio, through repeaters and        the computer, the rise of tech in everything or
          extenders. Voice-operated assistants like Ama-                                            (Continued on page 4)

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