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(Continued from page 1)                            Chromebooks.  Almost  all  of  those  Android
             billion!  Most  UHD  sets  will  also  up-convert   apps were written by third party developers,
             2K material to near 4K resolution.                 and Google was dependent on them to re-
             As far as 4K material goes, there are many         write  their  apps  to  play  well  with  Chrome-
             4K  sources  now  available.  Netflix  (for  a     books.  But those developers were already
             small  premium)  offers  a  selection  of  many    in  the  Android  marketplace;  as  of  June
             4K shows/movies, as well as all Netflix origi-
             nal shows are shot in 4K now. Amazon Vid-          2017, there were two billion Android devic-
             eo  also  has  a  large  selection  of  movies  to   es  in  use!    While  Chromebooks  finally
             rent/buy  in  4K  as  does  Fandango.  My  per-    passed Apple’s Mac computer line in quar-
             sonal favorite is Walmart owned Vudu. Vudu         terly  sales  in  2016,  we’re  talking  perhaps
             offers a digital copy for life of almost every     eight million in annual sales.  Now you see
             DVD  or  Blu-ray  that you  purchase.  All  new    the problem.  Why would developers invest
             movies  are  also  available  to  rent  or  pur-   much time in rewriting apps already selling
             chase  in  4K  format,  with  older  titles  being   in a huge marketplace so that they could be
             added constantly.                                  sold in a much smaller one?

             Both  satellite  providers  Direct  TV  and  Dish   In any event, the transition continues – albe-
             offer  a  variety  of  4K  channels  and  rentals.   it  much  slower  than  projected.    New
             Apple has just announced the new Apple TV          Chromebook releases are optimized for An-
             box with 4K/HDR support with a large selec-        droid apps, and reviews have been positive.
             tion  of  material  available  on  iTunes.         I think it is fair to say that for consumers al-
             YouTube also features many 4K/HDR vide-            ready using Android phones and/or tablets,
             os  and  movie  trailers.  My  personal  favorite   a  new  Chromebook  running  Android  apps
             4K source though, is a UHD Blu-ray player.
             Nothing outside of a movie theater can com-        becomes a much more viable alternative to
             pare to the sight and sound of playing a           a  Windows  laptop.  Meanwhile,  the  conver-
             4K disc or streaming 4K content from Netflix       sion  for  older,  existing  Chromebooks  is
             or Vudu through a receiver with a Dolby At-        slowly  moving  forward.      (I  have  a  small
             mos 5.1.4 speaker setup in your own house.         Acer Chromebook purchased in 2015 which
             If anything in that last sentence is unknown       is on the list for eventual conversion to An-
             to  you,  wait  until  next  month  when  I’ll  dis-  droid apps, so Google is promising to take
             cuss the sound aspects of UHD and the im-          care of a large share of its existing Chrome-
             plications of HDCP 2.2 and HDMI 2.1!               book owners.) -Stay warm!

                                                                Wi-Fi - 2.4 or 5GHz

                                                                By Carol Picard, Editor / Webmaster, Mid-
                                                                land Computer Club, Michigan
                                                                September 2017 issue of Bits and Bytes
             (Continued from page 3)                            capmidmi (at)
             from a non-Google source mentioning some 
             aspect  of  the  program.    Piecing  together
             those  bits  ‘n  pieces,  this  has  apparently    I normally have acceptable network speeds
             turned  out  to  be  a  lot  more  difficult  than   throughout my house but one day, while
             Google expected – in part because existing         downloading file to desktop computer, which
                                                                has a PCI wireless network card, was only
             Android  apps  were  scaled  for  the  smaller     getting 3 Mbps download speed. This is my
             screens  of  phones  and  tablets  and  did  not   primary computer and is also located in a
             display  well  on  the  larger  screens  of                                         (Continued on page 5)

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