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(Continued from page 5) got it for a short time and then dropped it.
times of the day to get an average. Resetting IP and flushing DNS on desktop
computer didn’t resolve problem. Neither did
The router was dual band, capable of both changing DNS servers. So, I reconfigured
2.4GHz and 5GHz but had never used router to not use Smart Connect.
On the desktop computer, I ran various
I was surprised to discover that the PCI net- speed tests (
work card in seven-year-old desktop com- 5GHz band and results showed Down-
puter was dual band. I was concerned about load = 67.67 Mbps; Upload = 5.71 Mbps.
the distance/obstructions between the com- 2.4GHz band results showed Download =
puter and router. Several factors affect
speed, other than distance, e.g., number 35.91Mbps; Upload = 5.71 Mbps.
and composition of walls, appliances, wiring,
etc., and I had read that 5GHz had a shorter I also tested using Charter Spectrum speed
transmission distance than 2.4GHz. test.
5GHz band results showed Download =
After enabling the 5GHz band on the router, 66.40 Mbps; Upload = 5.75 Mbps.
I ran more speed tests and was getting simi- 2.4GHz band results showed Download =
lar, high speeds on the laptop in the room 39.42Mbps; Upload = 5.97 Mbps.
where the router is located and on the
desktop computer at the opposite end of Upload speeds are almost al-
house. ways considerably slower than
To check whether your computer is connect-
ing at 2.4GHz or 5GHz, in Windows 10 Normally, when working on a
open Settings specific problem, I find one or
click Network & Internet Settings two more problems but this time, while
click Wi-Fi working on a solution for the Internet speed
click Hardware Properties problem at home, I discovered a solution to
check information for Network another problem. We recently changed the
location for our Club meetings and when at-
band. tempting to connect to the Internet at the
new location, several members did not see
The Netgear R7000 the wireless connection on their devices
router has a Smart when viewing available networks and were
Connect setting. The unable to connect to the internet.
description of that set-
ting indicates if SSID While testing different devices at home, e.g.,
and network key are laptop computers and tablets, I noticed that
the same for both the some of the devices were not showing the
2.4GHz and 5GHz bands; the router would 5GHz SSID. I checked specifications for
determine the best band for the connected those devices and found the internal net-
devices. On the R7000, Smart Connect only work card only had single band, 2.4GHz ca-
applies to the main network. The Guest Net- pability. A device that only has 2.4GHz net-
work on the router has two bands (2.4GHz work card, cannot see a network broadcast-
and 5GHz) but each band should have a
unique SSID. ing at 5GHz. To further test this, purchased
a Netgear AC1200 Wi-Fi USB Dual Band
Adapter. Using the AC1200 adapter I could
I configured SSID and network key on the bypass the internal 2.4GHz network card
router to enable Smart Connect. On the lap- and connect to the router’s 5GHz band. I
top, it successfully connected to the correct further tested this at last month’s computer
band, but using Smart Connect totally club meeting and was able to connect to
messed up the Internet connection on the 5GHz at the meeting location.
desktop computer. I had difficulty connect-
ing to the network and after connecting it
either didn’t get an internet connection or (Continued on page 8)