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(Continued from page 6) 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs is performance. Per-
formance is basically the speed at which the
on the tool on the right side of the list to CPU can complete tasks and is measured in
open the web page for that station. calculations per second: the faster the CPU,
the higher the performance. Additionally, 64-
Use VLC Media Player bit CPUs can come in dual, quad and eight
core versions which can provide further im-
The free VLC Media Player program can provements in performance. Another differ-
also be used to listen to radio stations ence is the maximum amount of RAM
around the world. memory that can be accessed. 32-bit CPUs
can access a maximum of 4 GB, whereas a
64-bit CPU can access far beyond 4 GB,
which is necessary if you are using software
to accomplish things like video editing or
graphic design. In general, the more bits you
have, the better the processing performance
and capability, and therefore the better your
This opens a long list of radio stations computing experience.
around the world. You are on your own to The CPU defines the architecture. A 64-bit
experiment to see if you can find something CPU is used in a 64-bit architecture and a 32-
interesting. After you open a radio broad- bit CPU is used in a 32-bit architecture. To-
cast, you can minimize VLC and keep it day, almost all PCs are built around the 64-
running in the background while doing other bit architecture, giving you the best possible
computing experience if you only consider
things on your computer. the number of bits. (Other contributing factors
to your computing experience might be Inter-
net connection speed, display size, hard drive
size, and the number and speed of USB
ports.) The Operating System (OS) software
is intimately connected to the hardware archi-
32-bits, 64-bits – How tecture. That said, keep in mind that a com-
puter with a 64-bit architecture can have a 64
many do I need? -bit OS or 32-bit OS installed; however, the
64-bit architecture with a 32-bit OS installed
will not provide the 64-bit architecture’s full
capability. Also note that the 32-bit architec-
ture can only run a 32-bit OS. Windows 10 is
By Phil Sorrentino, Contributing Writer, The Comput-
er Club, FL January 2019 built for the 64-bit architecture as was Win-
dows 7, unlike Windows XP and 95 which were built for the 32-bit architecture.
Philsorr (at)
A quick look in the rear-view mirror shows the
original PC that was released in 1981 by IBM.
Over the past few years, Personal Com-
puters have been moving from 32-bit Cen- This early PC was built around a 16-bit archi-
tral Processor Units (CPU) to 64-bit CPUs. tecture which was quite a bit less capable
(Actually, 64-bit CPUs were first intro- then our current 64-bit or 32-bit CPUs. (The
initial CPU was an 8088 which actually used
duced way back in 2003, but it takes time 16 bits internally, but had an 8-bit Input/
to get new CPUs through the design/ Output (IO) interface (possibly to keep costs
manufacture/produce cycle to finally pro- down and possibly to interface to certain pe-
vide “affordable products”.) So it’s not a
matter of how many you need, it is a mat- ripheral devices), making it a hybrid of sorts,
16 bits internally for calculations and 8 bits
ter of what is on the market. From a user’s
point of view, the main difference between (Continued on page 7)