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maybe 4 to 12 terabytes of hard drive space,
             (Continued from page 10)
                                                                 the 64-bit architecture will probably take us
             externally for I/O.)  PCs that followed used        pretty far into the future.
             the 8086 CPU which was a true 16-bit pro-
             cessor. 32-bit computers started to appear          If one were purchasing a new computer, the
             as early as 1985 with the Intel 386 CPU. Im-        best situation would be a 64-bit hardware ar-
             provements in the 32-bit architecture contin-       chitecture with a 64-bit OS and all 64-bit driv-
             ued from the mid 1980s till the 64-bit pro-         ers. You would probably get this if you bought
             cessor arrived in 2003. The 64-bit architec-        a middle to high end PC from a popular com-
             ture has been improved over the past 15             pany like HP, Dell, or Lenovo. Low end or
             years and the cost has been reduced to the          economy models might have a 32-bit or a 64-
             point where almost every PC produced to-            bit architecture. Note that if the amount of in-
             day has a 64-bit CPU in it. If you are looking      stalled memory was over 4 GB then it would
             for a new computer, definitely go for the 64-       have to be a 64-bit architecture. If one did
             bit architecture. (You can find the architec-       purchase a PC with a 32-bit architecture it
             ture and OS information in Settings-System-         would probably have a 32-bit OS installed.
             About. In this window, “System type” will           Knowing what OS is installed on your PC is
             show the number of bits for the processor,          important if you are installing new software. If
             and also the number of bits for the OS.)            your new software is built for a 64-bit OS, it
                                                                 will only run on a 64-bit OS; it will probably
             The number of bits in a particular PC archi-        not run on a 32-bit OS. If your new software
             tecture indicates the number of bits used in        is built for a 32-bit OS then it will probably run
             calculations and the number of bits used to         on a 32-bit OS or a 64-bit OS. Sometimes a
             address an item in memory. So, a 64-bit ar-         software vendor will make two versions avail-
             chitecture has a 64-bit Arithmetic/Logical          able, one for the 32-bit OS and a different
             Unit at the heart of the CPU and can ad-            one for the 64-bit OS. So, if you can find it in
             dress up to 2^64 or 16 exabytes in memory.          your price range, a 64-bit architecture with a
             (Note, not all PCs are built to take ad-            64-bit OS and 12 GB of RAM and a 1TB hard
             vantage of this large memory space, in fact         drive would probably satisfy almost every-
             most are limited by their hardware design to        one’s needs, except maybe for a few very se-
             less than 512 Gigabytes.) An Exabyte is a           rious gamers.
             very large number it is a million-million Tera-
             bytes. To put it in perspective, see the fol-
             lowing table:
                                                                  “Members Helping Members”

                                                                  ChomChom Roller
                                                                  Worlds Best Pet Hair Remover

                                                                  By Jasmine D’Katz

             On top of the hardware limitation, which is
             not really very limiting, the Operating Sys-
             tem in use places some limitations. The fol-
             lowing table shows the limitations for some
             of the popular versions of Windows 10:                              During a conversation at our March
                                                                  meeting, Linda K was talking to DeBorah S about a de-
                                                                  vice to remove cat hair. I intervened and ask Linda to
                                                                  send me the info.

                                                                  I ordered and received one today and upon first use on
                                                                  the carpeted stairs, in just a few minutes I had filled up

             So, considering the number of items or               the storage compartment.
             bytes that we currently concern ourselves                                               (Continued on page 8)
             with, 4 to 32 gigabytes of RAM memory, and

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