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10 Surprising Things

         You Should Be Tossing in the Shredder

         As a follow up to J.J.’s presentation in Octobor, here   including the return envelope provided with it, or 2)
         are some suggestions to what you should be putting     opt out of receiving junk mail by following the instruc-
         in your shredder.                                      tions from the Federal Trade Commission

         10 Surprising Things You Should Be Tossing in          8. Coupons
         the Shredder
                                                                                            Before you work your-
         Did you know that once                                                             self up into a panic over
         trash is off your proper-                                                          those coupons you get
         ty, it’s legal for anyone                                                          in your newspaper each
         to take? Yep, it’s true.                                                           week, take a deep
         That being the case,                                                               breath and relax. We’re
         it’s quite easy to see                                                             not talking about those
         how someone can                                                                    kinds of coupons. We’re
         steal another’s identity.                                                          talking about those per-
         With that said, here are                                                           sonalized coupons sent
         some surprising things you should shred instead of     straight to you from your favorite store. Those stores
         just tossing in the garbage.                           send them to you to determine whether or not send-

         10. Prescription Labels                                ing you coupons gets you to make a purchase. Un-
                                                                fortunately, these coupons contain sensitive infor-
         You might not think there’s anything important on a    mation about you, including your name, address, and
         prescription label, but you’d be mistaken to believe   other personal data. TIP: If you’re not going to use
         such a thing. Thieves can use the information on       them, shred them.
         your prescription medication bottle to refill prescrip-
         tions to sell them on the black market or to feed their   7. Boarding Passes
         drug habit. They can also use the information to       Source:Wikimedia CommonsBy Catherine from Aus-
         steal your identity. TIP: Before throwing away any     tralia [CC BY 2.0 (
         prescription medication bottles, take any leftover     licenses/by/2.0)] Once you land, it’s best to shred
         pills to a drug collection site. Then, remove the label   your boarding pass. That’s because it has your
         and shred it.                                          name, travel plans, and a barcode that thieves can

         9. Junk Mail                                           use to hack your airline accounts and/or steal your
                                                                identity. Not only that, but they can use that infor-
         That junk mail may be nothing more than that to you,   mation to rob your home while you’re away.
         but to a thief it can be a treasure trove. Credit card
         offers are tempting to thieves, as they can sign up    TIPS: -Shred printable confirmations and trip itinerar-
         for pre-approved loans or start a line of credit in your   ies, too. They also contain your account information.
         name. But, it’s not just the letter inside that you need   6. Death Announcements
         to worry about. What’s on that return envelope in-     It’s best to shred any extra funeral pamphlets or obituaries
         side can be cause for alarm as well. That’s because    you don’t plan on saving. These documents are often used
         junk mail return envelopes usually have a barcode      by thieves to steal someone’s identity. In fact, an article
         on the front that contains personally identifying infor-  published by Reader’s Digest saysthat “thieves use the
         mation about you.                                      identities of millions of deceased people every year to ap-
                                                                ply for loans, open credit card accounts or file tax returns,
         When it comes to junk mail, there are two things you
         can do to protect yourself: 1) shred ALL junk mail,                                        (Continued on page 14)

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