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By Jasmine D’Katz

         During the October meeting, our presenter talked       ment in any meaningful way.
         about the paperless office and scanning documents
         into a digital file, after which, shredding those which   What will you shred?
         may have personal information on them. More and        Basic paper shredders deal with paper alone, but
         more privacy is becoming the primary concern of        many mid-range and high-end home shredders can
         many individuals. Any document, even junk mail         also tackle items such as credit cards and CDs.
         can contain enough information to allow unscrupu-      Some of these use special attachments for dealing
         lous opportunist an opening to inconvenience or        with plastics, and only cut them into thin strips. The
         damage your life. Paper shredders are essential        best models will micro-cut or cross-cut them.
         appliance that have become staples in most homes.
                                                                How much will you shred at once?
         When considering a paper shredder, you want one        Luckily for anyone who has to shred a lot of paper in
         that offers a cross-cut or micro-cut for the best pro-  one go, shredders process more than one sheet of
         tection. If you need to shred credit cards or CDs,     paper at a time. The amount of sheets a paper
         you will need to be sure the model you pick has that   shredder can deal with is referred to as "sheets per
         ability. A shredder that is easy to use, has overload   pass."
         protection, and can shred a number of pages at         Smaller models may only be able to take on two to
         once at an acceptable speed is what we recom-          four sheets per pass, whereas more hardcore mod-
         mend.                                                  els can tackle 20 or more sheets per pass.

         For a larger list of desirable features, continue read-
         ing. If you're ready to start protecting your family
         and your business right now, consider one of the
         models that we've evaluated and determined to be       Audio Conversion Software
         the best on the market.
                                                                By Jasmine D’Katz
         Types of Paper Shredders
                                                                In October I attended a Workshop to learn how to
         Strip cut                                              convert my old records to digital MP3 files at the As-
         Strip cut shredders slice paper into long, straight    pen Drive Library & Cook Park Library. We used Vi-
         shreds. While this does offer some degree of secu-     nylStudio software by AlpineSoft which I downloaded
         rity, it's not too hard for someone to reassemble      from VinylStudio is a fully featured
         shredded documents, recovering the data.               program which allows me to convert my records and
         More thorough types of paper shredder have made        tapes to CD, MP3 and other formats. The program is
         this variety all but obsolete.                         very easy to use and has sound cleaning filters to
                                                                help you rescue damaged recording.  I was told it
         Cross-cut or diamond cut                               was easier to use that the more popular Garage
         Cross-cut or diamond cut shredders cut paper           Band and Audacity. Like the other software, it will
         crossways, as well as lengthwise.                      look up track listing and album art on the internet to
         This results in much smaller chunks that would be      match you recording. The cleanup option will remove
         too tricky to reassemble for all but the most deter-   clicks, hiss, hum and rumble, and those scratches
         mined of criminals.                                    we may have in some of our old records. Upon com-
         Micro-cut                                              pletion, I had to option to burn to a CD, but I’ve got a
         If you want the gold standard of paper shredder, opt   separate media hard drive where I store all my mu-
         for a micro-cut shredder.                              sic, but if you wish, they can also be copied to my
         This masticates paper into tiny, confetti-like chips,   MP3 player or iOS devices. The software is FREE to
         making it virtually impossible to reassemble a docu-   try but is limited to 5-records after which there’s a
                                                                $29.50 purchase price.
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