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How to Clean Your

                                                               Dirty Laptop

          Author: David Kretchmar, Computer Technician          Start With the Inside
          Sun City Summerlin Computer Club, NV                  Starting with that dirt on the keyboard and screen
          September 2019 issue, Gigabyte Gazette                might be tempting, but you should start with the
                                        internals. Canned air will blow dust and dirt every-
          dkretch at                                  where, so if you started by cleaning the screen,
                                                                you’ll just end up having to clean it again after
          After being used regularly for months or years, our   you’ve used canned air. Start by blowing out the
          laptops accumulate dust, grime, skin oils, sneezes,   dust, then move on to the outside.
          and who knows what else. Your laptop is most like-
          ly due for a cleaning, and I’m going to pass along    You shouldn’t have to open your laptop to clean
          some suggestions on how to do it effectively with-    the inside. Turn off the laptop, unplug the power
          out harming this delicate piece of equipment.         cable and remove the battery, if it pops out
                                                                (removable batteries are becoming a thing of the
          You know your laptop is filthy. You can see the dirt   past). Give the canned air a quick burst away from
          and grime on your keyboard. You might also be         the laptop to get rid of any condensation, and then
          able to see grime accumulated on your trackpad.       start blowing air into any cracks and crevices: the
          So, it’s time for a cleaning.                         keyboard, the vents and even the USB and other
                                                                ports. Blow in short bursts, since longer sprays can
          A shining newly cleaned laptop is a joy to use; the   cause moisture to accumulate inside your comput-
          keys are clean; the screen is free of smudges and     er. You can also damage the fans by making them
          splatters. These cleaning suggestions might also      spin too fast.
          be useful if you buy a used laptop, since the previ-
          ous owner doesn’t always leave them in pristine       You probably won’t see a big change after doing
          condition.                                                                    this. The goal is to prevent
                                                                                        dust buildup over time,
          Your Supplies                                                                 which can cause your lap-
                                 You don’t need much to                                 top to overheat and possi-
                                 clean a computer; rubbing                              bly spontaneously shut
                                 alcohol, a mild dish deter-                            down. If you can see dust
                                 gent, soft lint-free cloths                            bunnies in the vents,
                                 (microfiber cloths are ide-                            you’ve let it go too long
                                 al), Q-tips, and canned air.                           without a cleaning. If there
                                 Ninety percent or higher                               is a dust bunny that you
                                 isopropyl alcohol is what                              see is stuck behind the
                                 you want, since it won’t
          damage the internal components. And if you have                               vent that you can't dis-
                                                                                        lodge by blasting it with
          some particularly embedded dirt, a Mr. Clean Mag-     compressed air, consult your user manual on how
          ic Eraser (or other melamine sponge) can also         to open the case. Be sure you remember which
          work wonders, though it should be an absolute last    screws went where for the reassembly; snap a pic-
          resort since it’s abrasive and can leave permanent    ture or two of your laptops before opening the case
          scratches.                                            for a reference and be super-organized with the
                                                                screws as you remove them.
          Don’t waste your money on specialty cleaners you
          see at big box electronics stores like Best Buy.      Smokers and pet owners should take special care
          They work just fine but no better than what you       to clean the inside often, since you’re likely to ex-
          have at home.
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 8)

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