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Password Managers To the Rescue

          By Jasmine D’Katz

                                                                        As always, the devil is in the details. When
                                                                 implemented correctly, online storage is safe
                                                                 enough for mil-lions of users, including me.
                                                                        Hacking is a real problem, but I find news
                                                                 reports of hacks a double-edged sword. On the plus
                                                                 side, they make people aware of problems, which
                                                                 helps encourage everyone to follow best practices
                                                                 when it comes to keeping information safe. Unfortu-
                                                                 nately, the downside is that often news reports fo-
                                                                 cus on attention-grabbing numbers, yet lack per-
                                                                 spec-tive. The end result is a vague sense of un-

                                                                        I use a wide range of online services. I keep
                Password managers are apps that use a            all of my data backed up online. There are risks as-
         master password to protect confidential information.    sociated with each of these choices, and I trust that
         They enable users to securely store more infor-         best practices will keep me reasonably safe.
         mation than can be memorized.
                                                                        The best practices for passwords include
                The two common configurations of password        using two-factor authentication when available,
         managers are device-based and cloud-based. De-          along with a long, unique password for each online
         vice-based managers keep data on a single device,       account. To accomplish this, I use a cloud-based
         while cloud-based managers keep data on multiple        password manager (Password) with a suitable mas-
         devices and share the data among them.                  ter password known only to myself. I also use· a

                Keeping passwords on a single device is sim-     family plan, which can allow family members to ac-
         pler, but functionality is limited. Keeping passwords   cess one another's information in an emergency.
         in the cloud is safer and more convenient.                     All of my computing choices respect this
                Understanding how password man-agers             principle: follow the crowds. I only depend on prod-
         work means understanding how encrypted files work.      ucts that are used by thousands or millions of other
         When data is placed in an encrypted file, effectively   peo-ple. I mostly use the software that comes with
         the information no longer exists. If someone steals     the device, or third-party apps like Keeper or
         an encrypted file and oaks inside, everything in that   LastPass that have been around for many years.
         file appears to be gibberish.                                  Overall, Apple does better with security and

                However, when the password manager is giv-       privacy, so I tend to use those devices in my per-
         en the master password, it converts what looks like     sonal life. Data security on the latest versions of
         gibberish into the original information.                Windows and Android is also solid, but they still suf-
                                                                 fer from more malware, which means more care
                Encryption is what keeps information secure.     when selecting third-party apps.
         Even the person who wrote your password manager
         cannot read your data. Only someone with the mas-              Lastly, I always install the latest ver-sions of
         ter password is able to read that file.                 apps and operating system security updates.

                Passwords are often thought of as keys that             Password manager provide the appropriate
         open locked doors, but encryption is not like a locked   password regardless of device and location?
         door. Encryption is more like a magician's trick that          Cloud-based password managers use a
         makes information disappear and reappear on com-        combination of file synching, custom apps, and
         mand.                                                   Web access  organize your information. The main
                But it is not trickery, it is math. And it works.   data storage is kept in the cloud, and each device
         Keeping passwords on the Web makes may make             mirrors the cloud locally. For example, if an item is
         you very nervous, you may hear fre-quent news re-       added on your phone, the phone's app will copy
         ports of hacks where passwords are stolen. And you      that item to the cloud, and the cloud will update
         wonder if online storage a good idea?

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