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At our September meeting we talked about ways we        ple, Frank writes about identity theft, financial
         might improve our personal relationship with technol-   scams, cyber-attacks, password vulnerabilities, ro-
         ogy in 2020.  Subsequent to that meeting, J.J. sent     bocalls, real estate ruses, charity scams and dating/
         out a group email with a link to the September          romance scams.  Throughout, he explains the psy-
         presentation as a memory-jogger for those who were      chological underpinnings that make these scams
         at the meeting and a broad perspective for those        successful – and how you can recognize them and
         who were not able to attend.  If you did not receive    defend yourself accordingly.
         that email, please check your Spam fold-                       I’m about half-way through the book and
         er; if not there, let us know so that we can                   have found it both interesting and informa-
         provide you with a copy.
                                                                        tive.  Those already knowledgeable about
         Speaking of Spam folders, I am beginning                       this subject will find it useful as a refresher,
         to see an increase in legitimate emails                        with clear examples and new insights and
         being diverted to my Spam folder.  My                          tips.  Yet, it would not be “over the head” of
         wife and I both use AT&T Mail / Yahoo                          someone less knowledgeable.  I recom-
         Mail.  She is also finding legitimate emails                   mend it.
         in her Spam folder.  Moreover, we are                          Back in September I mentioned that I had
         getting reports from friends that some                         installed Microsoft’s new version of their
         emails that we send them are being di-                         Edge browser on my desktop PC.  As you
         verted to their Spam folders.  So far, I’ve                    may remember/know, this is a Microsoft
         not been able to figure out why this is happening.      work-in-progress, creating a new EdgeChromium
         Are you seeing the same thing with email that you       browser based on Google’s open-source Chromium
         send / receive?  If so, have you determined why this    OS.  Because of the tie to Chromium, the same
         is happening?  Have you been able to correct / miti-    software that underlies the Google Chrome brows-
         gate the problem?  If you have, please share your       er, EdgeChromium has many similarities to
         experiences / solutions with the rest of us.            Chrome.  In fact, you can download extensions
                                                                 from Chrome’s Web Store and install them in Edge-
         And, speaking of Spam…..  I recently ran across fa-     Chromium.  This new browser is still being worked
         vorable reviews for a new book by Frank Abagnale,       on by Microsoft and being tested by Windows Insid-
         entitled “Scam Me If You Can”.  The author’s name       ers, but they now have a stable Beta version availa-
         may be familiar; he is the con artist best known for    ble for download by anyone who wants to give it a
         his earlier book entitled “Catch Me If You Can” and     try.  I’ve been using this as my primary browser for
         the movie of the same name starring Leonard Di-         a while and am very happy with it.  No problems,
         Caprio.  He has reformed since his younger days,        very fast and, depending on the final version, this
         after serving time in French, Swedish and American      may end up being my go-to browser.
         prisons, and has built a career in advising companies
         and organizations about steps they can take to avoid
         being conned.  He has now written a book ad-
         dressed to individuals, describing possible scams
         and offering suggestions about what to do (or not do)
         to avoid becoming a victim.
         I just bought a copy from Amazon.  (It is available
         through them as a paperback for $11.99; your library
         may have it in their inventory.)  It’s an easy read and
         covers a wide range of possible scams.  For exam-

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