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Hello, all As part of our preparation for the Assisi Homes
F presentation, I’ve checked out the public library that
ebruary begins a busy two-month schedule
services their area. It’s the Warren-Newport Library
for J.J. and me as we prepare for and deliv-
on O’Plaine Road in Gurnee. They offer a wide va-
er presentations about computers in general
and our club in particular. On February 10 we will riety of computer & technology resources, some
be interviewed by Ellen Roberts for a segment on accessible online. We’ll be sharing that information
“Senior Issues Etc.”. with the residents and encouraging them to take
advantage of these services.
(Senior Issues Etc. is a company of senior volun-
teers who produce TV shows on topics important to This experience reminded me of the wealth of infor-
seniors. They broadcast weekly on various public mation and programs available at many local public
access TV channels; as an example, Libertyville, libraries to help their patrons with technology ques-
Waukegan and McHenry receive a weekly broad- tions and issues. If you haven’t done so recently, I
cast at 8:00 pm on Tuesdays via Comcast Public encourage you to visit your library in person or
Access Channel 17. Interested seniors can view online to see what is available to you. Further, take
past shows by going to time to check out other nearby libraries to see what
and accessing “Watch Our Past Shows”. There they offer that may be different from or in addition to
they will find a library of over 130 shows covering a your library’s offerings. You may be eligible to take
variety of senior-related subjects.) advantage of some or all of their tools by simply dis-
playing your valid library card.
I’m not sure whether they will air our February 10
interview on the following broadcast, or at some lat- On a separate note, I’ve just run across a disturbing
er date. If you aren’t able to catch us on their live article about invasion of privacy. Here are the de-
broadcast, you can always look for our segment in tails….
the “Watch Our Past Shows” library sometime down “Geofencing”. Have you heard that term before? I
the road. had, associating it with a technique being used to
The next day, on February 11 , we will be doing a prevent drones from invading the airspace at air-
presentation at Assisi Homes of Gurnee, a Senior ports, to minimize the risk of airplane – drone colli-
residence facility on Grand Avenue. The purpose of sions. In that context, an airport creates a digital
this presentation is to help residents become more “wall” around sensitive areas, blocking drone com-
comfortable with technology and offer suggestions mands to fly into that airspace.
about how they can become their own computer ex- Today I found geofencing used in a different con-
perts. While not specifically about our club, we’ll text. Apparently, individuals or organizations can
certainly take the opportunity to tell them about create a digitally “fenced” area and capture data
LCACE and invite them to stop by one of our meet-
ings to check us out. (Continued on page 4)
On March 24 , I’m scheduled to do a presentation
about how to become your own computer expert at
the Libertyville Senior Center. Here again, the intent Windows 10 News and Tips
is to offer technology assistance to seniors while
also introducing them to LCACE. Depending on
how that goes, I may offer similar presentations to
other area senior centers.
February 2020 3